Chapter 5

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Here is another chapter, don't worry I'll get to the others whenever I can

Third POV

It took a few days but they eventually did make it to Fishman Island, the rest of the students that had conquerors eventually did unlock theirs, they also trained enough so Kyoka has all three, same as itsuka, Momo ended up with observation haki along with shoto and katsuki got armament

Along the way when going underwater all of UA was looking at the sea animals and everything else in awe while the others looked on with a smug smirk because they're used to it

Eventually they went through the entrance making all of the straw hats along with Otohime of course... were very happy to be back and they saw that the island underneath was protected by the straw hats making UA amazed seeing the flag

"Oh it's so good to be back" Otohime says sadly as she looks down at her old kingdom, "let's go straight to the palace, they all will be surprised"

"Buffet!" Izuku and Luffy yell with drool and stars in their eyes making them all laugh, Otohime too because of the stories she was told

Soon enough they fly towards the entrance to the palace while the civilians on the ground notice the ship filled with the people that helped saved them and start cheering that they're back

When they press the button and the guard asks who it is they respond with "the straw hats"

"Someone get Hachi, Caimie and the starfish!" One of the guards yell making another immediately go down to get them

When they get there they are greeted by everybody and the royal family, no one noticed Otohime because she was hiding and will eventually reveal herself when they're alone with the royal family

Soon enough the three mentioned civilians of fishman island show up and notice them making them happy

"Straw hats!" The three say excitedly as they hug them all

After the little reunion they are all left alone and Shirahoshi ends up floating in the room

'My little Shirahoshi... you're all grown up' Otohime thinks with a smile as she's hiding somewhere

Where should she be hidden? Within franky's cyborg body? I don't know how that would work lol...

"Luffy-Sama! Izu!" She says happily as she hugs the two and then the others, she then kisses izuku on the lips because she missed him the most shocking everybody but his two girlfriends since they smirked

"That's another down" they say as they smirk making izuku and Shirahoshi blush

After a few minutes Otohime couldn't take it anymore and went out of her hiding spot shocking the civilians of fishman island with tears in their eyes

"Mom..." her kids say with tears in their eyes

"My wife... how?" King Neptune asks

"Well... when I died I was reborn into izuku's world long before our worlds combined" she said making them happy just seeing her alive again

Once they had the happy reunion Otohime wanted to surprise everyone living in Fishman Island so Neptune set up the live feed confusing everyone on the ground

"Hey what's going on" a mermaid asks

"Who knows?" A fishman responds to the mermaid

"Everyone... I have a very nice surprise for you all... please welcome someone that was lost years ago" the king says as he floats to the side showing Otohime in all her glory making every one of the civilians looking at the screens with tears in their eyes while smiling happily but confused

"Now... you may be wondering how I'm alive but when I died I was reborn into izuku's world years before our worlds combined" she says shocking everyone but still glad she's back

Once she's done with the live feed she ends up going back to everybody and starts to talk to everybody catching up on things that she missed

When she was told everything that has happened over the years she put all her attention to the stories with a smile as her kids and husband told everything, even when they told the story of the straw hats saving her country which she already knew about but she didn't say anything because she saw the happy faces her children were making when telling the stories

"Hey I know this is random but I never showed my school our bounties" izuku says with a smirk making the others do the same

Just picture them showing UA those bounties

"Hey where's yours?" Kyoka asks izuku

"Oh yeah! Here" he says as he shows his bounty that also says Straw Hat Izu on it, when they look at his bounty they scream out with wide eyes, "2.9 billion!? That's the second highest of your crew!"

"Yep!" Izuku says with a smile making some of the girls blush and that still includes his girlfriends

"How do we get bounties?" Katsuki asks izuku

"But you're heroes in training, I don't think you want to have one..." izuku says

"So? We joined the fleet and the marines now that the worlds are combined will come after us no matter what" he says back

"Fair..." izuku

"That reminds me... I can't believe Nami and I sound the same! How do we have the same voice!" Ochako says with Nami nodding

I'm still making it where they are speaking in English dubs

"Yeah same with me and Zoro" all might says with Zoro doing the same as Nami

"I honestly thought the exact same thing when I first heard their voices when I first got to their world" izuku says, "remember I first met them when they first met Buggy the clown"

"That's right..." all of UA say, "still cool" all might, Zoro, Nami and Ochako say at the same time

"Ok... we're to next?" Luffy asks

Here is the end of the chapter, I hope you like it

I was wondering where do you want to see them go to next? Considering that I added the princesses to be part of izuku's harem did you want to see Dressrosa first? Or alabasta? I was thinking Dressrosa because it's closer but I still wanted everyone's opinions about it

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