The Glow of the Lanterns (gigi x yellow)

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The streets of Liyue Harbor were full of people; laughter and chitter-chatter filled the air. The scent of fried radish balls, noodles, rice, chicken, and many other foods felt delectable. And some people were creating Xiao Lanterns to release into the night.

Gigi(from Sumeru) visited Liyue to celebrate this year's Lantern Rite with her beloved girlfriend, Jingyu.

As she walked through the streets, she found her girlfriend making a bunny-shaped lantern and immediately ran over to her.
"Yuyu!" Gigi chirped as she hugged her from behind.
Jingyu was startled from the sudden action, and shook slightly. However, she stood up and hugged Gigi back, planting a kiss on her cheek.
"Babe, I haven't seen you in forever! Happy Lantern Rite!!" she exclaimed.

The two lovers sat down and caught up with each other. For hours, they flirted and joked. They enjoyed one another's companies. And occasionally, their friends Monica(Mondstadt), Vic(Natlan), Abram(Natlan), Lene(Liyue), Seaf and Citrine (Sumeru) popped out of nowhere and said hi. Also, Jingyu finished up her bunny-shaped lantern; Gigi made a snake-shaped lantern.


"I have somewhere I'd like to lead you," Jingyu offered.
Gigi's eyes sparkled. "Oh, I'd love to see!"
There was a brief silence.
"Especially if it's your bedroom."
Jingyu, surprised, exclaimed, "Gigi!"

And so, they walked out of the city.


Liyuens gathered at the front of the city, waiting for the yearly performance to start.

Minutes later, 8 girls in traditional pink and teal Liyuen clothing (*coughs in hanfu*) appeared on stage and went to their starting formations.

Soon, hand fans flowed gracefully.


The performance came to an end, and the roars of the audience were at peak as the girls left the stage.

5:53PM (/ref)


We sat atop a hill outside the city. Her eyes were like the moon: glowing radiantly. Yuyu... She's literally the love of my life. I could never trade her for anything.

The lantern show started and each one shone as they were gliding up into the sky.

She pointed from somewhere far away. "Gigi, look! Those are our lanterns!"
Our lanterns flew side-by-side. Just like how we were.
"They're just like us!" I stated.



This hill was full of Glaze Lilies. Gigi and I had a mutual fond of this flower, so I knew she'd like this location.

Wait.. what's she doing?


Gigi grabbed Jingyu's head and kissed her.



((an: Idfk how to end this so here :3

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