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Julian Carlisle, Duke of York, was walking through the street of a buzzing market when a certain woman captured his attention.

The woman was selling fruits, he can tell from her clothings that she is a commoner.

The smiles she gave to the buyers who came to buy her fruits, he couldn't stop staring. He then decided to walk to her.

"How much are the apples?" The Duke asked pointing to the apples.

"5 coins, sir" She replied to him.

It's no doubt that anyone can say that he is of a high rank person.

He then bought the apples and went home.

He knew he have his betrothal, yet he couldn't get the woman out of his mind even when he went home.

Since then, he kept going to the market to see the woman.

A morning came, he could see that it's going to be a fine day. His heart flutter even at the thought of a woman that sells fruits. He ate his food, then dressed up to see the lady.

He went to the street only to find that the woman is absent on the market.

He felt dejected that he couldn't see her. He then turn around to walk back.

"Looking for someone?" A woman behind him spoke.

He turned around to find the lady he was looking for.

"Brave enough to be the first one" He grinned. "How do you know that I am looking out for someone?"

"I saw you everyday, you were never absent on the market even without buying and you used to keep standing in front of my stand" She answered.

He blushed crimson red that he have been caught.

"May I know you?" The woman asked him.

"Julian and you?" He asked back.


Since then, they became inseparable. They started meeting in the woods or far away where no one could see them.

Days turned to weeks, and weeks turned to months. They confessed their love to each other.

"Wait for me" Julian said bluntly while they were meeting near the waterfall.

"For what?" She smiled.

"Don't marry anyone else, please wait for me." He pleaded.

"Why would I? We're not fated to be. I'm a commoner, I have no status, I have no enough dowry to offer, meanwhile you have a status, a high rank member. You're a Duke" Cecelia replied him.

"How do you know that I'm a Duke?" He asked.

"It's no doubt to see"

"Even if we can't be together, please become my concubine" He suggested.

"I'm sure you have a betrothal to marry. May I ask who she is? " Cecelia asked.

"It's Charlotte Holmes, daughter of Earl Bentley Holmes. She may be my betrothal but I don't love her. She can have the title but you, I will give you my children to bear if you are willing to become my concubine"

"I don't want to be your concubine. I want a husband to love and be that husband's wife. Let's forget what we talked about just now. I know I'm being selfish but let's spend together while we have time" Said Cecelia.

Julian nodded.

A year passed.

Yet Julian and Cecelia couldn't stop being together. They kept sneaking out to meet secretly.

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