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"I am backing off from the marriage mihika i didn't have a heart to convey this to you face to face..but now i can't do this..i am sorry" As i read the message from Saransh i felt like someone has stabbed a knife right through my heart this isn't what i deserved

"Mihika" i heard my dad knocking the door of my room

"Leave me alone paa" i said replying back though my voice cracked a little..I don't want anyone's sympathy or pity

but it didn't changed the fact that it hurts spending so much of yourself,your emotions on someone just to get left behind in return it hurts...it was difficult for me to breath as i realised i have been crying since then...my chest heaved up my legs trembled as i took support of my bed..my hands were shivering

then i heard several knocks on my room's door

"Mihi open the door please it's me krishiv" i heard krishiv shouting from outside

"I want to be alone krish please go" i replied

"mihi baby open the door please don't hurt urself" i heard maa...i couldn't say no to her so i opened the door and got back to my place

"I don't want anyone's sympathy it was my fault i know i did trust the wrong one but now there is nothing i can do just cancel the wedding" i said in one go without looking up..

"Mihi we can't do this..media is everywhere outside we can't let them know" Aakash mathur My chachu(Uncle) said

"Jab ladka he esa tha toh esa to hona he tha" chachi said

(it was bound to happen as the boy was him)

"Ankita watch your tongue that's not how you talk to my daughter" Maa said angrily

"Everything is my fault, he left me that's my fault i choose him that's my fault i didn't know he would back off that was my freaking fault" I said a bit louder as i felt my breath hitched...i wasn't able to breath properly..

"Just leave everyone..i don't want to listen to anyone right now" i said loudly while motioning my hand towards the door

"Aakash take everyone out with you for a while i want to talk to mihi alone! And see where Darsh is i want his help" Vinay Mathur my father said

As everyone left the room my father came and settled beside me he engulfed me in his arms that was what i needed i wanted my father to protect me from all these taunts which i didn't even deserved

"Mihi look we cannot know beforehand what the future will hold for us Saransh wasn't the right guy for you..you realised it late..but you did that's what matters" My father said

i looked up to him sensing he has to say more

"Mihi we have a reputation to behold as much as i want to be your father right now i also want to assure that people don't keep talking bad about us, about you" My father said with a low tone

i can understand him it took his whole life to be there where he is now...and i don't want his efforts to go in vain just because of me

"What do you want me to do paa?" i asked

"Look mihi i have always told you that be with someone who protects the little girl inside you and at the same time let the woman in you be free" My father said and i reminisced every time he told me that Saransh is not the man!

"i am just hating myself for doing this" i said as tears left my eyes

"My habit of taking impulsive decisions always hurts me and i still do it" i said fisting my hands

"Now for once Mihi i want you to trust my decision and marry Vedant" he said

"Paa what are you even saying?? I can't do this to him" i said


Hope you guys liked this chapter!✨
will be updating soon🫶🏻
Tvisha 💗

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