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I heard someone's shriek it was none other than dadi

"Mihika what is this?" dadi asked while referring to the kheer in her bowl

"Kheer hai aur kya dikhta nahi?" krishiv said while licking the spoon dipped in kheer in return he got a glare from his mother

i suppressed a laugh looking at dadi's face when he said that

"Bado se baat karne ki tameez he nahi hai" she spoke out with a hint of disgust in her voice
(Don't have any manners of how to speak to any elderly person)

"And Mihika don't you know your husband's choice" she said staring right through my soul in a high tone

"What do you mean?" i asked in a low voice

"Ved doesn't like kheer" she said glaring at me with a high pitch and then looking at him

i gulped fearing that i may have upset him

Her eyes widened as she looked in his direction as i followed the direction she was looking in

I was taken aback with surprise

He was eating the kheer with so much interest, he seemed to be enjoying it with his eyes closed in satisfaction

He opened his eyes and looked at me
and passed a heart-warming smile

i kept looking at him in adoration his antics looked so cute that i couldn't help but admire him

"It was one of the best kheer i ever had till date" he said in a soft tone looking at me and then looking in the direction where dadi was seated

He basically shot a dagger with his eyes at her

"No one is allowed to talk to My wife in that tone" He said getting up anger evident in his voice

My wife him calling me that made my heart flutter a little bit

As i watch him heading upstairs i think his mood turned gloomy by these happenings around him

i looked at mom and then at krishiv
they nodded their head slightly and i took it as a permission and went behind him to our room


I don't know what got into me but someone raising their voice at her made me angry i don't usually behave this way

but no one raises their voice at my wife
as i barged into our room i ran my hand through my hairs

i heard the sound of anklets approaching the room and i guess it was her the mere thought of her calmed down my heated mind

as i turned i saw her coming inside our room she looked at me with such innocence in her eyes, her eyes looked mesmerizing

" I-I hope you didn't had the kheer just for my sake?" she said in a guilty tone

"Of course not Mrs.Malhotra i had it because i wanted to" i replied smiling

she thought about me? a stupid smile covered my face thinking about it

"You liked it?" she asked with such an innocent voice and her eyes shining like a kid

i couldn't help but fall for her more every passing second

"I definitely loved it i want to have more of it often" i said taking out the gift i bought for her first rasoi from my pocket

DEVOTED TO HEROpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz