Hater tag pt.2

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Not DIEGO. It was already weird enough having aiden here, but now Abe's team manager who basically forced him to pound him is here. What a jerk. And what a freak. Why would Aiden ever hang out with Diego.

"Drake?" Abe asked surprisedly.

Huh? Who's Drake.

I look back at Diego and back at Abe in confusion.

"Isn't that Die-"

"I'm Diego's twin brother, sorry if I freaked you out. He's kind of a freak so just know I'm nothing like him," he says cheerfully, cracking a wide smile.

"Umm okay yeah. Makes sense"

My eyes flicker nervously on Aiden for a second before I look away, but I know he catches me looking.

"So, I see you're doing well," he says amusedly.

"Yeah, I mean same as always you know."

Abe picks up on the wierd energy between me and Aiden and looks between us. I need to get us out of here before he gets even more suspicious.

"Yeah anyway it was super nice seeing you both, but we're going to find another arcade. Somebody rented this whole place out sadly." Thank god.

"Oh yeah, that's us. We wanted to do sum with the gyattistars," Drake explains.

The gyattistars were what the called their cringy group of friends, and they all tended to conglomerate like moths to a flame.

"You should join us."

What is Aiden trying to do. I know he knows I don't want to be here. So what is he playing at.

"Nono don't worry about us! You guys should definitely hang out, it would be weird for us to intervene. Come on Abe, let's go-" As I turn around towards the door to walk out, Abe catches my arm and pulls me backwards.

"I think we should stay," he says, staring directly at Aiden.

What. The. Fuck.

"What. Huh? No we would just be intrudi-"

"No you wouldn't, we have a bunch of extra spots left too. It would be a waste."

Thanks Drake! so Helpful!

Abe is already dragging me into the arcade before I can reject the idea.

The worker running our game gives us each our vests where we would have to shoot each other, as well as our guns. The room goes dark and is lit up only by the glow in the dark neon paint splotches all around the arena. I see Abe's dimly lit face staring at Aiden, who won't stop standing next to me. Our guns and vests flash blue and red until they stop on one of the colors. I'm Red. I look around to see who's on my team. Drake, Malla, Stray, Cricket, and... Great. Aiden stares at me with a cunning glint in his eye as he puts his arm around my shoulder.

"Partners yet again, huh Y/N?"

"We were never partners, don't kid yourself," I shoot back.

"Ouch, crabby much?"

"And don't touch me" I shrug his arm off and step a few feet away.

"Nothing I haven't done before."

I whip around to face him with my eyes wide and my mouth struggling to form words. What is he doing. I should just ignore him. Yeah, good id-

"What's that supposed to mean"

Abe is standing right behind me, now staring at me instead of Aiden.

oh shit.

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