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At 5 pm jingi come with Mrs xiao.. he always come here to meet his mamma but today 1st he come here to meet his dad.. he is so qurious he ask his granny

"Granmaa why dady is here? Is dady is sick?" In his voice panic can fell Mrs xiao..

She just node his head "what happened to my dady.. go fast i want to meet him." Jingi said and try to brake free his granny's hold

Mrs xiao said "baby hold on we are here.. see here you dad is admit go open that room.."

Jingi run towards that room and open.. he see his dady lay on bed and some machine is connected with him and his mamma hold his and also sleeping on sitting position...

He start panic and start crying loudly....

"Mamma what happened dada... Why he lay on bed with that waris?? Dada.. open your eyes... Don't leave me.. " he said and run towards bed and hug yibo tidely..

For that yibo wakeup and look towards jingi.. aslo Sean go near him and try to clam down...

"Baby see your dad wake... In dada's heart a bad aunty live so I removed that heart and put a new heart where only you and me will stay.." Sean said listen his word yibo and Mrs. Xiao is shocked.. and jingi blink his eyes and look towards Sean said

"Really mom?? I'm happy.. see dad mamma is grate.. ." Yibo laugh and said "sure my wife is grate."

Hear that Sean blush.. and Mrs xiao said "I'm also here... "

Sean said "mom.... Is dad.. " she cut his word and said.."they don't have any problem but they want after yibo's recovery you 2 will marry here and stay in UK forever if not then... Yibo cut her word and Said"I'll stay here. I'll stay like house husband.. but I don't want to leave my family.. "

Mrs xiao smile and node his head...

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