Talk Of The Town | March 3rd-5th, 1997

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I got to the cafe at around 3:11 P.M, and I set my bike in the bicycle parking lot. I think biking has to be my second favorite way of transportation (other than by train) because not only are you getting exercise, but you're also treated to a fine case of scenery.

I opened the doors to the cafe and surveyed it for the others. I quickly found them at a table next to the window. I quickly made my way to the table and sat down on the seat next to the window.

"Hello all, did y'alls order yet?"

"Nope," said Hunter, "You're just in time."

I then noticed the empty seat next to Jackson.

"Where's Jason?"

"Bathroom," Jackson replied.

"Bad stomach?"

"No," Hunter said with a chuckle, "You see, this waitress came and asked what we wanted."

"And Jason, being the dumbass he is," put in Jackson, "Said, "Your number."

"What happened then?"

"Well, "said Jackson," she went back to the kitchen. At that moment, Jason started to boast about how he would be the first one in our group to get laid."

"And then?"

"She then returned with a pitch of water, and then," Hunter said before pausing impressively, "She poured all of it all over his pants, before saying, "I just thought your hot ass needed to cool off," and walked away."

All three of us burst out laughing, even after Jason came back. He just cursed at us rapidly. We were so loud, the same waitress had to come over and get us to belt up, specifically looking at Jason, who promptly looked at the ground.

"So," she said in a gruff tone, "What beverage do you hooligans want?"

I ordered water, while Jackson ordered Pepsi, Hunter, Milk, and Jason said water.

"Where would you like it, on your pants," the waitress said before laughing.

"N-No, in a glass would be fine," Jason said timidly.

"Right then, I'll have your drinks in a few minutes."

As the waitress flounced away, Jason looked down at the floor.

We chatted for a while about school and our families until the TV came on. It was the BBC. All the people in the cafe quieted down as the reporter began to speak.

"This just in, a cavern that was found under Callan Castle on the Famous Island Of Sodor has finally been reached, with the digging process starting in late February of this year."

They then showed several pictures of the cavern.

"Just today at around 2:50 p.m, The cavern, now deemed, "Callan Cavern," has finally been reached, after over 2 weeks of digging. Within lies artifacts that could make the most dedicated Archeologist's mouth water. Ranging from wands, swords, and statues to even a nest full of eggs.''

It then cut to a man named Dr. Ryan Charleston is being interviewed.

"This certainly is one of the greatest discoveries in the history of the Island," he said with a joyful tone, "Like this is a monumental moment in Sudrian history."

"Now it has been determined what time period these artifacts date from," asked the interviewer.

Dr. Charleston thought for a moment.

"Well," he finally said, "When we were investigating the cavern, we came across a tomb. At first, we thought it was a person from the Neolithic Era. However, upon further inspection, we found it to be-" Before the TV cut to static and shut off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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