new school

21 1 0

2024 mar 8.
Emma got up early for her first day of school
Emma: ugh what time is it 4:30 am!  Why can't I get some sleep tonight
Emma was home alone because her dad was on a work trip
For 40 days or more but she is 16 so she was fine

Wayne 5:30
He got up still half a sleep a new girl coming to school today he what to be bro's I hope she likes hockey 🏒 wayne never had a girlfriend yeah he had classes but most of them but him liking hockey made him basic or people thought he was dating raj

Chase got up early
Chase: let me see if Emma posted anything
Just got up and looked at Emma's Instagram account
Chase:yes!  he just likes to all Emma's new post
The only reason Emma never blocked him is because that's the only reason she has his insta so she can tell him to stop calling her Chase found out by his story that she was changing schools so he asked his old assistant if he could change schools with his sister Sierra (tdwt)

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