we're just talking

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*Tw bad words*
Emma got up she was tired but she got ready for school and she drove When she got in the hallway she told Bowie what happened they were laughing and I went to all our classes and at lunch she saw Wayne, raj,and Bowie
Emma: hey guys
Raj: dude!
Emma: aww I guess someone miss me 😉
Wayne: dgdgemmasdhdhd
Raj: Wayne you are a simp you are talking crazy and you're still saying Emma and your is noses bleeding you need help
Emma: I'll just go get some napkins
Raj keep yelling at Wayne
Bowie: raj I think you need to stop yelling at him
Raj: fine
Emma: Wayne look at me
Emma put the tissues in his nose he finally comes down
Wayne:thx Emma ❤
Emma: it's okay Wayne
Raj: if you kiss him on the cheek I'm going to beat you woman
Emma: are you threatening me
Raj: no I'm flirting with you flash me a titty b***
Emma:fuck You b****
Raj: come at me b****
Bowie: both of you to stop it where did you learn this from anyways
Raj:mk told me a game called classic 09
Bowie: that actually makes a lot of sense
Emma: well I'm sorry for calling you a b****
Raj:me to Emma
Wayne: see everyone getting along
Emma: well what are you guys going to do today I'm bored
Raj: guys me and Bowie are going on a date so I guess you two can hang out together
Bowie:we ar-yea
Wayne: Emma do you want to go to my house
Emma: sure
Wayne: can you please drive me my mom took away my car for a month so I had to take the bus
The Bella run after Emma finished all her classes she went to Wayne's house
Emma: this place is massive this is so cool
Wayne: it's not that cool you have a pretty big house too
Emma: you have a whole ice skating ring in your house
Wayne: okay that's fair enough luckily my mom isn't  here she's nice but just a little overbearing
Lindsey:Wayne who's your friend oh wait are you Bridget kid you are so pretty like her
Emma: oh my God  Lindsay tops I'm your biggest fan!
Wayne: what about me mother😔
Lindsay: Wayne I see you everyday she is beautiful
Tyler: lins what you doing
Lindsay: I'm talking to Bridget's kid
Tyler: wait a minute they only have one kid I thought they would have 50
Emma: I asked myself that question every time they make out on the couch
Tyler: well I guess they still like the PDA
Wayne: wow Emma do you want to watch a movie without my parents
Wayne took Emma to his room he closed the door and locked it
Emma: what movie do you want to watch how about we watch a horror movie
Wayne:um whoever we watch finding Nemo
Emma: what about we just watch mean girls okay
Wayne tried to get up from his bed he realized Emma was sleeping he didn't know what to do he was just Frozen he didn't want to wake up and make it awkward he didn't know what to do it didn't want to call raj because he said he were on a date
Wayne just went to sleep because that's the only thing he knew how to do in this situation
Wayne heard of flashing noise
Lindsay: Tyler I told you to turn off the flash
Tyler: sorry
Wayne: please leave
Lindsay: come on you guys look so cute I have to
Wayne: leave!
Tyler: ok ok calm down Lindsey let's just get some ice cream do you and Emma want to come Wayne
Wayne: yes but can you guys please leave for like a second
Lindsay: okay
Tyler and Lindsay leaves and they close the door
Emma: Wayne go back to sleep
Wayne: but don't you want ice cream I'll pay
Emma: okay after they went to the ice cream shop in my way home she checked her phone she had 20 missing calls from Chase
And she got a call from Chase she was bored so she answered
📞 Chase: oh now you decide to answer my calls
📞Emma: well I was bored so you're lucky I even called what do you even want
📞 Chase: I want to get back together
📞 Emma: yeah I'm talking to someone so no
📞 Chase: what who would date you but I guess you're someone pretty because you're my standards
📞Emma: what is wrong with you you always say things like this think about it Chase you're just mad that someone actually wants me and I'm not trying to get back with you because you know I was the only person who would even look in your direction

At Chase's beach house
Emma:babe I'm home
Chase:hey how was the mall
Emma: it is fine I really got this cute summer dress
Chase: oh can I see
Chase:um maybe you should return it for something else
Emma: why you don't like it I thought it looked nice
Chase: it's too small
Emma: but I'm a 14 it's 15
Chase: but on you it's look like your a 20
Emma: what! Go to hell chase
Chase: don't be a bitch
Emma started crying she went to her room
She cut the dress up in pieces
Chase texted her
📱 Chase: uLock your door please
📱Emma: why to call me fat more
📱 Chase: no to ask what do you want from the mall
📱 Emma: for what
📱Our date
📱 Emma: I'm not going
📱 Chase: at least hang out with me tonight
📱 Chase: okay I love

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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