The snow. (Asmp sunship fluff)

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Request by @defshiny

Aimsey pov

After I had gone and bathed in a river near by using a homemade soap I made myself I had gone back home to talk to the moon before going to sleep. It was already late and I had spent the day alone adventuring by myself occasionally seeing Phil but that was it. The scene was so pretty today I just had to take a moment to look around. And then it had been a whole day. After I washed up I headed back home following the trail of torches I left myself breaking then as I passed them. It was getting colder and my wet hair didn't make it any better. I looked up at the moon and spoke these words to her "Moon whyy do you have to make it such cold weather at night?" Knowing she never actually responds I grinned slightly up to her admiring her beauty. The moon taught me that even though it's empty most of the time even the darkest phases are beautiful.

As I got home and stepped inside I heard guqqie say my name "Aimsey? Are you home? Where have you been?" As they said that I was taking off my boots and shut the door behind me. They then walked downstairs "Aw little fox have you been worried where I am?" I teased them playfully "No" they said back to my sternly . "Sure sure" I said they sniffed around me
(let's just act like asmp guqqie has a sense of smell 💀😭)

Guqqie pov

I smelled around aimsey noticing they actually smelt clean. "You smell clean did you finally bathe?" I said to them "Yes I actually did it was very lovely but rivers are very cold and hard to actually find clean ones" they said back to me "What did you use to wash your hair?" I said to them "I used honey sugar and other minerals you can find" they replied I nodded and put their boots outside the door to dry off "you know it's very nice outside tonight..." I said to them before following with "would you maybe want to go to see the snow with me?" I stuttered out "Little fox wants to go somewhere with me isn't that cute" aimsey said to me "Quit teasing me before i change my mind" I gritted out. "Okay okay, I mean I guess." Aimsey said back to me before I let a little smile that showed off my sharp and bloodyish teeth. I handed them a different pair of boots to put on as I put on mine "guqqie....i can't tie my shoes" aimsey said to me "how dumb are you??" I said back to them  and they started counting finger I just stared at them as they held up 6 fingers and said "this many" I sighed and got down on my knee to tie their shoe they giggled to which I just scoffed at. "Haha your servant" I slightly bit their leg because of that "bully" they said as I stood up to face them

Aimsey pov

Guqqie stood up to face me and I just smiled at them before I grabbed their hand and ran outside with them and she let go of my hand as she led the way to the her snowy hideout. I was getting kind of cold so as I caught up to her I grabbed her hand and stood close and she surprisingly let me do it. I blushed and walked with her "the forest is so beautiful" I said as I let go of her hand and crouched down to look at frogs "aims get off the ground and come on" guqqie said to me "no no look at the frogs" I said back to her before she grabbed my arm and forcing me to stand up and then my hand as she walked quicker so I had no choice but to follow her "aw" I said in disappointment as we walked away she's bossy but that's why I like her. I stared up at the moon tripping on a stick more than once... and twice.... And then a third time. I made guqqie sigh and she started carrying me on her back so I couldn't run off or fall. She's like very strong. As we finally got there I ran off to her house even though she told me not but it's okay because she wouldn't bully me that much.. I think

Guqqie pov

Aimsey ran off to me house and I told not to and because I knew they weren't gonna listen I said "At least take your shoes off" they didn't listen to that either. I followed them up into my secret home as they stood on the balcony. We've kissed once but we really haven't talked about our relationship since and I was starting to wonder what I meant to her. She stared up at the moon and stared at her face admiring them. They are so pretty I thought to myself. They looked at me and I immediately looked away. "I saw you staring"
They said "You didn't see anything." I said back to them "sure sure okay" they replied as they leaned on the balcony they got cold and ended up getting right next to me. I blushed because I never felt this way about anyone before. I took half my jacket off and put them in it holding them to close to me. They layed their head on my shoulder. This is something friends do right? I thought to myself. As I held them close to me by their waist "what are we" I said to them "I don't know what do you want us to be" they said back to me "I don't know what my feelings mean but I know they're strong" I said to them feeling embarrassed "we can figure it out then" they said as they rubbed my hand. "I find it so cute that you have human hands but toe beans" they said to me "I'll fight you" I said to them "sure you will" they said back to me as they giggled they took my hand and ran back outside with me to just play in the snow since they love the snow so much and I let them.

I'm so sorry sorry if u think this is cringe I tried final word count 1075

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