Chapter 2: The Guiding Light to the Truth

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"Excuse me? Can I have one order of Foie Gras, please? My companion will take Crepes Suzette. Two orders of Fonta as well and Espresso for the after meal."


Preceding our visit to Palais Mermoni, Nicht and I choose to take a brief detour to the esteemed Café Lutece; a well known restaurant cafe adjacent to the Court of Fontaine at the Vasari Passage. Apparently, Nicht had yet to partake in breakfast, prompting us to opt for a brief stop.

"Here are your Fontainian Foie Gras and Crepes Suzette, accompanied by a pair of Fonta. Espresso will be served after your meal," declared the maître, gracefully presenting our chosen dishes at the pinnacle of our table. "Bon appétit."

For a brief moment, Nitch gazed at his meal as he muttered something too faint for me to discern. He then turned his eyes and asked,

"Shall we?"

Which I replied, "Sure."

I found his behavior quite peculiar but I choose to shook those thoughts off and proceed. As I savored a mouthful, its intricate and alluring flavors delighted my taste buds. The crepe's light, ethereal consistency dissolved smoothly, leaving a lingering hint of sweetness. However, it's the captivating citrus undertones that truly enhance the culinary experience.

The orange infused sauce adds a revitalizing tang that delicately dances on my palate, harmonizing flawlessly with the crepe's tenderness. With each indulgent bite, I'm getting transported to a world of culinary bliss where each sensation orchestrates a delightful interplay of taste and mouthfeel.

Pairing Crepes Suzette with Fonta made the morning meal more pleasing. No wonder why Café Lutece is being seen highly by the majority. However, it seems like not everyone think the same.

"You not going to enjoy your meal?" I asked.

"Should I?" He tilted his head slightly confused. "Foods are meant to be a consumable energy."

"Ah, I see," I replied, taken aback by his response. "Well, each had their own perspective when it comes to dining preference."

I couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed at Nicht's rather utilitarian view of food. Although I agree with him to some extent, for me, enjoying a meal was not just about satisfying hunger, but also about indulging in the sensory experience, savoring each flavor and texture that danced upon one's palate.

Nevertheless, I chose not to dwell on our differing viewpoints and instead focused on the delightful ensemble before me. With each bite, I allowed myself to be immersed in the culinary symphony unfolding on my plate, relishing every moment of the gastronomic journey.

As we continued our meal, conversation flowed between us, touching upon various topics ranging from our ongoing investigation to the latest happenings in Fontaine

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As we continued our meal, conversation flowed between us, touching upon various topics ranging from our ongoing investigation to the latest happenings in Fontaine. We exchange data to each other and made assumptions accordingly from what we have gathered.

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