Chapter 3: Growing Conscious of You

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"Here are your Fontainian Foie Gras and Crepes Suzette, accompanied by a pair of Fonta. Espresso will be served after your meal," declared the maître, gracefully serving the meal we ordered, placing the dish at the table. "Bon appétit."

For a brief moment, I gazed upon my meal and muttered, giving my gratitude to Lady Tsaritsa. I then turned my eyes and asked,

"Shall we?"

Which she replied, "Sure."

I eat my meal as if a matter of fact without enjoying its taste. I never do care for as long as I gain energy for today. It's always been like this, bland and monotone, yet I don't harbor any genuine dislike for it. I accept it as it is, content with what I have. However, I still do question myself from time to time whether what I was doing were the right one. I believe the answer I seek is rather subjective so I choose not to pursue further.

"Shall you not indulge in delights of your meal?" inquired Ms. Clorinde, as she delicately conveyed a fork laden with crepe to her lips.

"Should I?" Tilting my head in confusion. "Foods are meant to be consumable energy, wrong?"

Perplexed by my pragmatic stance, she replied. "Ah, I see. Well, each had their own perspective when it comes to dining preference."

Disappointment could be peered behind her cold gaze, but I opted to maintain silent. I'm not paid enough to please her. Preceding our meal, I couldn't help myself but to observe her intently, unable to tear my gaze away. In each bite, Ms. Clorinde fell into bliss, drifting into a state of contentment, masking off stoicism and changing it into a rather more innocent one. Her subtle smile and sparkling eyes, combined with the way she cuffed her rosy cheeks made her look so adorable.

Her eyes were framed by a fringe of long, fluttering eyelashes, casting delicate shadows against her light skin. With a subtle flush of color, her soft and inviting lips, beckoned with a touch of warmth, wore a gentle, rosy hue, reminiscent of the first blush of dawn painting the sky, making her utterly charming. Her elegant poise and refined movements lent her a mature allure that befitted her age, rendering her appearance all the more resplendent.

 Her elegant poise and refined movements lent her a mature allure that befitted her age, rendering her appearance all the more resplendent

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I shook my head in a gesture of restraint, trying to suppress the surge of emotions stirring within the depths of my chest. Looking at her enjoying meal, I questioned myself once again whether what I was doing were the right one. I took a spoonful and embrace a delightful taste, uttering,

"Maybe it's not that bad to open myself from time to time."


According to the Monsieur yesterday, we might obtain some leads pertaining to the case in Poisson. Rumors said there was a shadow lurking around the darkness as of late, coinciding with the recent increase of missing person reports. Nicht and I are on our way to meet Navia.

Since we sent an early notice of arrival, we were met by a guide attired in a white shirt, complemented by a dark blue tie, a charcoal suit jacket, black trousers, white socks, and black footwear.

Even If You Don't Know (Clorinde x OC)Where stories live. Discover now