Mindscape - Part 2 - The Flow of Time

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Part 2 – The Flow of Time

- Good Morning Jay

The dulcet tones of the Mind gently brought him round and he began a new day with memories of dreams haunting his every move. As he showered and changed into freshly made clothes, his bed moulded soundlessly back into the floor and his flat assumed its day mode, the day furniture extruding seamlessly from the floor, muted colours flushing the surfaces as he sat down at the small table.


He worked in silence for a while, answering a few messages from some colleagues he had been working with recently on a particularly abstract piece of mathematical modelling and then paused in the silence.

Music, random classical

The mental command was answered instantly, but as the simple opening strains of Debussy's Claire de Lune quietly whispered from the walls he stopped, placing his stylus on the table in front of him. A small tear splashed to the table next to his hand, swiftly followed by several more and he realised that his hands were trembling. Racking sobs shook his body and it was only with a supreme effort a few minutes later that he managed to control his raging emotions.

Music: so evocative, so able to transport the unprotected mind to somewhen else. She'd loved Debussy and they'd spend many hours listening to everything from Beethoven to Iron Maiden, indulging their love of the mathematical in the musical structures and chords.

Music off.

He sat in silence again and then contacted the Mind.

Mind. How many people on this planet can move things with the power of thought like I can?

- Fourteen are registered, five of whom you have worked closely with in the past.

Only fourteen? Why didn't you tell me?

- You didn't ask Jay.

Jay sat in quiet thought for some time.

What are the limits of the human mind?

- Unknown.

Theorise please.

- Of the few alien species the Mind is aware of, only humans have the capability for non-logical thought or 'flights of fancy' if you will. The Altabar, Kot and Zephil races are all at a similar stage in their evolution to humankind, but the human species has evolved to its current state more swiftly than any other known race.

And what would be the next evolutionary step for mankind?

- Unknown.

Do you think that man's ability for non-logical thought has assisted his evolution?

- There are various theories that would back that suggestion Jay, but I am a computer, my positronic net is designed to follow logical thought processes.

Jay sighed. It was times like this that he needed human company, to bounce ideas off, to have a non-logical conversation.

"I wish you were here Helena," he muttered quietly.

"I am..."

It was faint, and afterwards he wasn't sure if it had even been audible.

"What?" he said aloud. "Helena?"

There was no answer.

Mind. Did I just hear Helena James?

- Helena James has been Terminated. She is no longer extant in City.

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