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There's no more wind to be found

In the sails

Hands full of fallen stars

And comet tails

Rivers of sand

Unentwine through my hands

To know what they've seen

Well my burden's all pale

I'll make an hourglass from my fingers

I know I'm only passing through

I don't want to pretend

That I'm stronger for it all

I don't want to pretend

That the sadness is gone

'Cause I want to know that I'm steady on my feet

I don't want to pretend

So peace will be real to me

There's no respite to be found

In the waves

Each rise and retreat

Will scrub the blood away

—Oceandust- Hands Like Houses

School was out of the question after seeing Gabriel at the cemetery. Marinette's attendance would surely suffer, but she can't bring herself to care right now. She knows, however, that soon enough her parents will grow frustrated with her frequent absences. But that's a problem that Future Marinette can handle. Present Marinette had spent her morning avoiding the internet after Alya had sent her an article on her way to school which depicted confused and angry Parisians gathered outside of the mayor's office, demanding Ladybug address them about what had happened over a week ago now.

It's times like these where Marinette is overjoyed by the existence of secret identities. Of course, she fully understands that the longer she stays quiet; the longer she refuses to put on her earrings and wear a brave face for her people, the more their trust in her will begin to fade. But as Marinette, she doesn't have to worry about incurring their wrath for her disappearance. In truth, she has known about the issue for three days, that's when the clamoring for Ladybug to speak began. Since then, it's been muffled by everything else going on in her life. But even over a sea of countless other problems Marinette has been facing—the moments when they fall quiet, she can hear the uproar of upset civilians as if they're right outside her home, demanding answers or blood.

But today is the last time she can allow everything else to overshadow their noise. It's begun to rip through the barriers she put up around it to make herself forget it exists; to peek through the darkness until she can't avoid it any longer. It's as if everything else has stepped out of the way and replaced itself behind her, and is inching her stiff subconscious toward it, blocking every exit. Marinette—Ladybug will have to address Paris.

But before she makes any arrangements, she decides to visit Luka on the houseboat by the canal. She had asked him before school was out for the day and knew that he wouldn't have an issue with her coming to visit. He was always delighted to have her over, past feelings aside. When he had messaged that he was home, Marinette made for the canal where the houseboat is docked.

Upon arrival, she boards the deck which bobs gently over the water. Marinette never visits much by herself. She's used to seeing the boat filled with friends listening to Kitty Section as they practiced or played shows. Needless to say, she isn't used to the boat being so vacant.

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