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After that pooh run to pavel brought food for pooh and Started to eating quickly like he don't get food his next life lol

Suddenly pooh heard someone said in his back

I'm glad you like my food my pupu ( with smirk with cross hand's) !!

Flashback End

Present Time

Pooh ( inner thoughts with scared tone ) : Huh !! I didn't recognise him , when did he enter this room and how I don't feel anything ? Just how long he stand here like this ?

Like this thought Pooh suddenly silps his hands and the food plate falls from the hand , pooh slowly slowly Going back in fear in that state
And the same time pooh talk to himself in

Pooh (inner thoughts) : I must have been to distract with my hunger but what he want to do now what's his planing now ?

Pavel : Hahaha ! You look so funny baby boy ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠

It's look like you already make yourself comfortable here I'm glad already huhhh!

Pooh : Comfortable !! •⁠ˇ⁠_⁠ˇ⁠•

Sometimes later suddenly

Pooh : Hey !!!!!

When are your planing to letting me go
from here ?

Pavel : Huh ! You want to go pupu ?
( With cry eye's and so much pain eye's )

Everything silent for sometime but later Pavel again ask pooh

Pavel : pupu look like you feel uncomfortable ! Is something going wrong just tell me naa !

Pooh : ofcourse I'm uncomfortable !!
what you think to do when you feel like go to toilet and no-one help you to go find that ←⁠_⁠←

Pavel : oooooo !
That's what you feel like uncomfortable , you need to tell me earlier pupu , you still like this pu >⁠▽⁠<

Pooh (inner thoughts) : Thats guy it's to much now →⁠_⁠→

Pavel : Then I will lead you the bathroom so let's go !

Pooh (inner thoughts) : well here also have bathroom from use ! okay that's not big deal but wait if I go with him he won't do anything with me right naa !! I need to be careful from this guy !!


Pavel : I'm doing all this things from keeping you safe don't mind it pupu


Pooh : Okay sure ,as you wish ・⁠・

When pooh ready to go outside of room and go to toilet suddenly Pavel stop him and turn back to him and hand him one peace Black clothes and said to pooh

How My Kidnappers Know Me ? (PavelPooh) 21+Where stories live. Discover now