Chapter 1

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I looked in my dirty mirror, as the morning light illuminated the left side of my face. There were large bags under my eyes and the makeup I had been wearing the night before was smudged. I am disgusting. I thought to myself as I stared at your pitiful reflection. I flung open the door to your medicine cabinet and grabbed the first bottle of pills I could find. They were for chronic migraines and contained codeine. Perfect.

I were sitting on your bed with the pill bottle in my lap and some paper and a pen on my bedside table. Bzzzz...Bzzzz...Bzzzz... I heard my phone vibrating on the floor. I looked down at the screen. There were 17 missed calls from my friend Megan and 9 voicemails. I swiped it off the carpet and held the power button down until the screen went black. Next, you dumped the pills onto the paper and counted them out. There were 23 in total. I grabbed a half-full bottle of vodka off of the floor and downed the pills 3 at a time. Afterwards I began scribbling a letter addressed to Megan on the sheet of paper and watched as the ink bled with every tear drop that fell from my eyes.

My body was drenched in sweat and vomit and the police beat down my door and used their radio to call an ambulance. The paramedics carried me out of my small apartment on a stretcher and loaded it into the ambulance. "Can you tell me your name?" one of the paramedics asked. He had sandy blonde hair and a nose that looked as if it had been broken many times before. "Val-Valerie" I slurred back to the man. He shined a bright light into my eyes, "What about your last name?" I began doze off as the man preformed more tests. "Stay with me," he ordered. I couldn't hang on any longer and things grew dark.

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