Chapter 2

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My head was pounding and my throat felt as if something had clawed its way out from inside of me. Megan was sleeping in the chair beside me. She had straight brown hair that stopped at her shoulders and large eyes that were the colour of the sea. I tried to sit up to see a clock but it was too painful so I just laid there. "Meg," I croaked, "M-Meg wake up." She slowly opened her eyes and took a second to realize where she was. "Oh my God Valerie. I-" she began but was stopped by the overwhelming amount of tears flowing down her cheeks. She held my hand with both of hers. Megan was really the only person I had in my life. We had been friends since I were 4 and we have been through everything together.

Once she stopped crying, Megan explained how I got here. "I called the police after calling you like 40 times because I was worried about you. You seem so sad lately Val, but I didn't think it was anything like this. I would have checked on you myself but I was out of town for my brothers wedding. They called me and told me you had overdosed and were on your way to the hospital and they were going to have to pump your stomach. That was 2 days ago." She started to cry again. "Sorry for ruining the wedding for you," I mumbled. "Valerie, stop. You didn't ruin anything." We sat in silence for a while before Megan said she was going to get some food and would be right back.

I looked around my room. It was very small and a depressing shade of blue. There was a window facing the side of another building and a chair in the corner of the room. There was a door directly in front my bed which I assumed was a bathroom. Beside my bed was the chair that Megan had been sitting in and a table which contained a small clock which read 10:49 P.M. I rolled my eyes when I recalled looking for a clock earlier but giving up because of the pain. On the wall opposite of the window was another window which faced the hallway. There was a boy with dark hair and sad brown eyes looking at me. He was sitting in a chair across from the window in the hallway. I gave him a dirty look and rolled over. It was extremely painful to do so, but I'd rather look at the side of a building than the hallway creep.

Megan returned with McDonald's and plopped a happy meal into my lap. "These are for kids," I said to her, confused. "I realize that Val. But I think you could use an extra dose of happy today so eat up." I looked in the direction of the creepy boy in the hallway. He still had his eyes locked on me and hadn't seemed to move. "Meg, do you know who that is?" I asked, nodding towards the stranger. "No, why?" She asked. "Never mind. Would you mind closing the curtain though," I answered. She got up and pulled the curtain over the window so the boy in the hallway could no longer stare at me.

I peacefully ate my meal and thanked Megan for getting it for you. "I'm gonna sleep now," I groggily said to my friend. "You can go home if you want." She nodded and yawned, and got up to leave. "I'll be back tomorrow morning I just need to sleep on something that isn't a hospital chair," she laughed.

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