Chapter 1

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Sandra POV

Who ever killed our John Doe was very clever I must say.

But the evidence is there... I need to focus. Let me just get me another cup of coffee. Not it being my third cup of the evening I say with such disapointment but I cannot get enough of it caffeine is fuel. But I should get something to eat I think to myself.

Only to return and look at the hair fiber we found that we cannot match to anyone in our data base and the 5 deep lacerations to the chest on our victim, either it was personal or this was a rage killing. I hate that we have no ID. Its just infuriating. Checked missing persons and ran his prints no luck at all. Its going to be a long day.

This was just a case We got this morning. After going to the dog park (my daily ritual) and no I have no dog

I saw Him this morning. Can a man and a dog be so perfect for each other. Beautiful German Shepard with a tall very very Hot guy. I couldn't believe the thoughts I had when I saw him. Like he ticked the boxes.
Dog lover ✔️ Tall ✔️ great hair ✔️ Tattoos on his arms and hands✔️
His hands made me think of how they would look wrapped around my neck.

Maybe ill say Hi tomorrow. Or later today if he is still there.

Why am I thinking about him now... I need to focus on the case, I tell myself looking at the evidence infront of me on the board. Images of the crimescene where my victim was found stare back at me.

We found his body at 10am. Based on lividity and body temp he was killed between 3-5 hours prior. So between 3 and 5am... Early bird it seems... Or was the suspect stalking him ??

We found a slip in his pocket for Chinese at Hongs palace on broadway. Man can eat I must say. Two servings of egg rolls, large chicken noodles and even a tray of sushi. Maybe he had company? Writing on the murder board trying to build my time-line.

Jamie should be back with the results of the canvas of John Doe's neighbors because someone must have heard or seen something or lets hope for that matter

I need some air again. Lets go back to the dog park maybe he will be there again. One can only wonder as I grab my keys off my desk and head down stairs to my car.

I see Jamie, my partner coming in and tells me he has the results of the Canvas and there is something I should hear.
Neighbors remember a white Van parked down the block of our John Doe's house.
Is no I.D I ask. We found nothing at the crime scene. No nothing not even a birth certificate.

Its very strange that we can't find anything to identify this guy. Not even a damn letter with his name on it. We will get a I.D says Jamie. Im sure we will I reply

I take the elevator and close my eyes trying to subside the thoughts of Him again. I can imagine him with me in here and DING!! The elevator doors open and I stare dead ahead "its HIM" my mind screems

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