Change of Heart

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Storm was silent as she rode Thunder through the desert. The large, white horse snorted and shook its mane. The heat was not yet unbearable, but the sandy ground was foreign to its hooves. Thunder was used to lush jungles, in all the time it spent with Lauren and Morgan. But with the likelihood high that Masquerade would try to track the hovercar Iris and Storm rode in on, it was safest to let Morgan and Lauren dispose of it, the horse a gift for the hydra, which they successfully subdued and moved far from the cyberpunk city. Knowing that Iris and Storm were set to leave the city soon too, that was why Morgan was willing to spare them a horse. Lauren, meanwhile, was just happy to have a hovercar.

"Even if we can't keep it, it's been far too long since I've driven one of these babies!" She loved the Ranger life, there was no doubt about that, but sometimes a girl really needed to race around recklessly in a really fast car! While they drove in one direction, Iris and Storm rode in another. Storm felt even more aware of her cybernetic upgrades than usual.

How swiftly the winds of fate may change... Ever since the hydra fight, Storm couldn't get the mental image of Iris dying out of her head. She felt too foolish to mention it to her patron deity, and she was careful to guard her thoughts against Iris, so that Iris wouldn't see it even by mistake. It was as if the entire world shifted, but only for Storm. For Iris, meanwhile, it was the same as yesterday, except now they had the gem.

The Heart of the Phoenix. I don't even really want it for myself anymore. I wonder, what does Iris want? She was so lost in thought that she didn't think to just ask Iris, and she didn't think to note that it was the first time she'd ever asked the question. Even if the hydra was lying, Storm tried to rationalize her fears, it's true that someday, my time with Iris will come to an end one way or another. I suppose I could renew our contract, think up a new quest for us to go on, but...

No, I said I DIDN'T want strings attached! Storm reminded herself sternly. Besides, I am sure she still thinks ill of me... A self-deprecating smirk flitted across Storm's face. She and Iris hadn't gotten along in the beginning, and Storm's subconscious fretted that the only reason she was experiencing a change of heart now was because of the hydra rather than any true growth between them.



Storm jolted "Y-yes...?"

"Are you not on a deadline?"


"Your quest? The gem!"

"O-oh! Th-that..." Storm's hands tightened on Thunder's reins as she struggled to think up a plausible lie. Even though they moved quickly from the City of Glass at the behest of Morgan and Lauren, Storm found every excuse to amble and delay the rest of their journey, stopping at every town they came across, always under the claim that they needed to do it for Thunder's sake. Since they were spending more time in the Steampunk region, the land and air were drier and warmer rather than dark, rainy, and crowded or lush and green.

"It is not merely the supplies, though!" Storm insisted, struggling through her own bluff, trying to convince herself just as much as she was Iris. "Had we not stopped at the City of Glass, we never would've found the Heart of the Phoenix. What if we find more treasures like that in small towns?" As she'd noted when they reached the City of Glass, even as a cyberpunk city, it was rather low brow. "And what about you?" she continued before Iris could speak. "Is there somewhere you need to be?" It was a sarcastic question meant to deflect Iris' attention, but Iris answered seriously.

"Well, I would like to see more of the realm before our contract expires, therefore, we must finish your quest quickly! I will do a thorough job, of course, but we mustn't delay if we can help it."

"Are you really so ready to be rid of me?" Storm started to laugh, but the weight of her words sunk in, and her breath caught in her chest. She was almost afraid of what Iris would say...

"No! Of course not!" Storm didn't like how relieved Iris' words made her.

"Well, why not travel after our contract expires?" Storm asked. "Wouldn't it make more sense?"

"Don't you remember?" Iris laughed a little, teasing. "Regardless of that, when the terms of our agreement expire, so shall I."

"What?" Storm looked over her shoulder. It wasn't funny to her. I am in no mood for your guessing games, Iris!

"Don't you remember?" Iris repeated, gentler now, more serious. "Your contract. You wanted a temporary companion. No strings attached."

Storm's stomach squeezed. "B-but... we can renew our contract, can we not?" she demanded softly, but Iris didn't reply. "I-I-Iris...?"

Iris sighed, and Storm felt her breath against her neck. She shivered, and then a vision flashed through her mind. Storm saw the night she nearly went mad, collapsing to her knees and crying out, praying to gods she didn't even really believe in. She challenged them brazenly because of this, daring any of them to prove themselves to her and work with her, unless they were cowards.

Well, most divine entities that sensed her desperation ignored her, considering her too insignificant. And even the few that were interested enough to give her a second glance could never agree to all of her terms. Then along came Iris. They were stiff terms, but some chance to come back to life was better than none. So despite knowing the terms of Storm's agreement, she accepted, and their bond was born.

Iris seemed completely unbothered by the implications, by the fact that she was destined to die not long after her time with Storm came to a close, but Storm felt a pit open in her stomach to rival the abyss the hydra showed her.

"Where did you wish to travel?" she asked suddenly. Iris was surprised by the question, and it took her a while to answer.

"There is a place... I think I remember from my past life... Eriksontown...? I believe it is closer to the steampunk side of Cybersteam..."

"Then let us go there now," Storm decided, turning Thunder towards the Steampunk region.

"But what about your quest?" Iris was alarmed. With the Heart of the Phoenix, Storm's next step should've been to use the gem to barter with another higher being and progress in her path to revenge. Eriksontown was no place to find divine help.

Storm, however, did not answer, already lost in thought again. There MUST be a way to save Iris! She refused to accept anything else.

AN: Here's the main plot point I wanted out of this story. Aside from "enemies to lovers", Storm finds out that Iris is destined to die at the end of their time together because of something she specifically asked for. Talk about "be careful what you wish for".

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