Change of Allegiance

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"So, here we are..." Storm turned to look at Masquerade, and Masquerade turned to look at her. Even though Storm had seen Masquerade's face before, pale and sharp, now she wore a white mask any time she and Storm interacted, as Storm's new patron. Storm shivered in disgust.

"This is the end of your journey. Do you feel any better about being here?" Dark eyes gleamed behind the white mask. Were they black, gold, red?

Storm's throat tightened. They stood at the mouth of an abyss, aptly named The Gaping Maw. It was the place the hydra showed Storm, on the very edge of the realm. It was an abandoned place. Nothing sentient lived here, flesh or metal or AI. It was a perfect place, though, for a vampire countess, and her new warlock-servant. Storm's hand drifted to the satchel hanging by her leg, the Heart of the Phoenix inside.

"This is... where and how I will be able to save Iris...?" It was scary, peering down into the dark depths of the Gaping Maw; it was scary enough that Storm wasn't even thinking as she asked Masquerade to confirm her worst fears. The vampire countess happily nodded.

"It is not so dramatic that you need throw yourself inside," she said smugly, as if suggesting that she could tell what Storm was thinking even without slithering into her brain. "It's not just a giant grave. Only idiots think that." She cast a baleful glare at the pit she knew contained more than a few skeletons. This place was merely a portal, and Masquerade its Keeper. Again, no matter what Iris and Storm may have thought of her, she possessed power and responsibility beyond their wildest imaginations.

"Although," Masquerade continued slyly, eyes shifting behind her mask, "if you truly wish to trade your life for Iris, perhaps it is a doorway to death, at least for you..." She chuckled lowly and Storm felt her skin crawl again, but she held her tongue. If all went according to plan, she would cancel her contract with Iris, set her free, and then Storm would no longer have to live in fear of the day she vanished—died.

If all goes according to plan, this will be the only thing in my life I've done right... Whether I live or die. I only wish... Oh, what good did it do? I'm sorry, Iris... Maybe it was better that Iris hated her. The thought stung like nothing else, but perhaps it would make it easy for Iris to get over her. She had no idea what Masquerade's plans were, but she couldn't trust that she would survive them. But Iris was worth any risk.

Her face twisted ruefully, and she was painfully aware of the metal interspersed with flesh, tissue, and muscle. Masquerade's sharp eyes saw Storm's subtle expressions, and she smirked behind her motionless mask. She did not care about Storm's petty, woeful affairs of the heart. Her sights were set far higher, her quest far more than love, or even revenge. To her, Storm's change of allegiance from Iris to her was simply pragmatic, not personal. Storm was a useful fighter, and they'd worked together in the past, and the Heart of the Phoenix was simply not meant for their realm.

It belongs beyond the edges of our world, and it is my duty to return it. That is why I was part of the smuggling operation. Had I known in the City of Glass that Iris and Storm were not there because of me, all of this could've been avoided. Ah well, live and learn, I suppose—

Masquerade was interrupted by what sounded like the shriek of an eagle or hawk. Morgan came swooping in, and riding in her sling was not Lauren but Iris. She still looked weak and miserable, but she managed to stumble from the sling towards Storm.

"Storm... Why...?"

"Oh... Iris... I'm sorry..." Storm stepped back, horrified. Masquerade stiffened, but said nothing. Even behind her mask, her expression was unreadable, for she did not know what to make of Iris' sudden arrival onto the scene either.

"Oh... Was this part of...?" Iris sighed. I thought WE were going to finish the quest, but I guess she decided that Masquerade was more her style... She tried to rationalize it to herself. Her time was running out. Oh well. I hope she makes the right decision...! But... That aside... I... I... I do still... love her... It was embarrassing to admit, but Iris couldn't do anything else. Even though you broke your oath to me, I still... I wish you had at least told me! I never would've begrudged you that! I thought we were closer than this!

Oh well, it didn't really matter anymore anyway. Iris would surely be gone soon again, and Storm would finally have the revenge she'd been seeking for so long, not that Iris would be around to see what it was.

For a moment, Storm could only stare at her, frozen in horror. Then it was as if she was struck by lightning. She spun around, grabbing Masquerade's neck. The vampire countess didn't even have time to blink before she was suddenly airborne. With all her might, Storm flung her towards the abyss.

"NOOO!" Masquerade's howl got further and further away as she fell further and further down the abyss.

In the distance, they heard Lauren call out as well. "I'm almost there! I'm coming!" By the time poor Lauren finally made it over, huffing and puffing as she carried the armor and weapons, Storm was on her knees panting while Iris and Morgan could only gawk at her.

Lauren cried out in frustration. "Oh, great! What did I miss?!"

When Storm found the words, she told the truth. "I... was trying to give Iris extra life..." Her electric blue gaze turned back to the pit. "And that woman was going to show me how... with the gem..." Now her gaze turned to the Heart of the Phoenix lying beside her. That was supposed to be the gift for the pit, to open the portal and call upon help from other worlds.

But when Iris arrived, Storm noticed the way Masquerade wouldn't stop staring at Iris, and she didn't like it. She knew she had to act fast, before it was too late. Storm gasped in relief as her connection to Iris was restored, her connection to Masquerade severed. It was another change of allegiance. No, Storm's allegiance never changed from Iris to begin with. If anything, the change of allegiance was...

"But what about your revenge quest?" Iris was befuddled as her connection with Storm returned.

Oh, Iris, you're hopeless... Are you really going to make me say it? Storm could only sigh in exasperation and shake her head. "I—, there's, there's, there's something I have to tell you..." Storm could feel Iris' confusion, so she forced herself to imagine it, sharing the vision with Iris. It was just the two of them against the world, adventuring across the realm together, holding hands. Storm didn't want revenge anymore. Just a life with Iris.

"But... Are you sure...?" Iris' breath caught in her chest.

"More than I've ever been about anything else in my life," Storm replied, completely serious. Iris' stunned expression changed into a smile, then she lunged, wrapping her arms around Storm's neck. Storm reared back, but after a moment, she cautiously wrapped her arms back around Iris and held her close. The only time Iris pulled away was to touch her cheek, then pull her in again, this time for a kiss.

"I love you," Iris whispered. In the distance, Morgan respectfully wrapped her wings around herself and Lauren, chuckling quietly.

"I love you too," Storm whispered back, then she said no more as her and Iris' lips met again and again.

AN: Stormris ship sets sail again! Yay! (Gay!) LOL! I'll gladly flesh out these chapters and write more for this AU if people want to see it.

This is a storyboard/demo fic, meaning that it is a full story told short and fast-paced for people like me, who enjoy deep sagas but don't always have the time/mental capacity to invest in long ones. Consider it a collection of highlights and scene/screenshots.

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