Prologue: The Not-So-Secret Life

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Delhi, with its vibrant chaos and relentless energy, often feels like a living, breathing paradox. It's a place where ancient history and cutting-edge technology collide in a symphony of honking horns, street vendors, and ambitious dreamers. Nestled within this bustling metropolis is the 

New Era Institute of Technology, where our story begins.

Meet Sanjana, Sivam, and Dev. Three friends who, despite their glaring differences, form an inseparable trio. Think of them as the modern-day Musketeers, but instead of swords, they wield sarcasm, laptops, and—occasionally—books. They first crossed paths in the hallowed halls of Army Public School in Bathinda, where destiny (or perhaps just a shared love for mischief) brought them together. Now, they're wreaking havoc in college, and trust me, the city of Delhi will never be the same.


Sanjana, our sharp-witted and resourceful leader, is the kind of person who could probably solve a Rubik's Cube blindfolded while simultaneously filing her taxes. She's majoring in quantum physics, which she insists is "just puzzles with extra steps." Her dry sense of humor often leaves people wondering if she's serious or just mocking them. (Hint: It's usually both.)

"Did you know," Sanjana said one evening, adjusting her glasses as she peered over a stack of physics textbooks, "that the concept of time travel theoretically allows us to meet our future selves?"

Dev, sprawled out on the couch with a comic book, looked up. "Yeah, well, future me owes current me about a hundred bucks. I'll be sure to collect."

Sivam, the tech wizard of the group, chuckled. "Future you probably spent it all on pizza."


Sivam, with his knack for gadgets and hacking, is the go-to guy for anything tech-related. If it has a screen, buttons, or can be programmed, Sivam has probably already voided its warranty in the name of 'science'. His laid-back demeanor and love for puns make him the group's unofficial morale booster.

"Hey, did you hear about the restaurant on the moon?" Sivam asked one day, grinning mischievously.

Sanjana raised an eyebrow. "No, what about it?"

"Great food, no atmosphere."Dev groaned. "You're insufferable."


Dev, the athletic and charming one, is always ready to leap into action—often without thinking it through. His boundless optimism and endearing clumsiness make for a combination that's both problematic and surprisingly effective.

One fine afternoon, as they lounged around the college quad, Dev attempted to juggle three apples. "I'm telling you, juggling is all about timing," he declared, just before all three apples fell to the ground.

Sanjana smirked. "Clearly, your timing is impeccable."

Their friendship, forged in the chaos of school and now thriving in the madness of college, is unbreakable. They've faced countless challenges together, from grueling exams to disastrous group projects, and come out stronger each time. Little do they know, their biggest adventure is just around the corner. A forgotten secret lies buried within their college, waiting to be uncovered. A secret that will plunge them into a whirlwind of time loops, cryptic puzzles, and a mystery that could change everything.

But for now, let's leave them in their blissful ignorance. After all, the future can wait, and these three are just getting started. Welcome to the world of Sanjana, Sivam, and Dev—Delhi's finest trio of accidental adventurers.

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