Chapter Two: The Unseen Clock

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The trio emerged from the haunted physics lab into the still, quiet night. The campus was cloaked in darkness, the blackout having spread beyond just the cafeteria and the lab. Their flashlights barely pierced the inky blackness as they made their way toward Dr. Kapoor's office, the mysterious device pulsing softly in Dev's hands.

"You think this thing is safe to carry around?" Dev asked, glancing nervously at the glowing device.

Sanjana shrugged. "Safer with us than in that creepy lab."

Sivam nodded in agreement. "Besides, what's the worst that could happen? We accidentally trigger the apocalypse?"

Dev rolled his eyes. "Thanks for the vote of confidence."

As they walked, the campus seemed eerily deserted. Normally bustling with students even at this hour, the blackout had driven everyone inside. Their footsteps echoed off the concrete pathways, adding to the sense of unease.

Suddenly, a loud rustling came from a nearby bush. Dev jumped, nearly dropping the device. "What was that?" he hissed, shining his flashlight toward the noise.

A raccoon emerged, blinking against the sudden light. It gave them an indifferent look before scurrying away.

"Just a raccoon," Sanjana said, trying to stifle her laughter. "Honestly, Dev, you're afraid of everything tonight."

"Hey, that raccoon looked shifty," Dev muttered, trying to regain his composure.

They finally reached the science building where Dr. Kapoor's office was located. The door, surprisingly, was ajar.

"Dr. Kapoor usually stays late," Sanjana said. "Maybe he's still here."

They entered the building, the faint light from their phones casting long shadows down the empty hallways. As they approached Dr. Kapoor's office, they heard a low hum and saw a faint light under the door.

Sanjana knocked softly. "Dr. Kapoor? Are you there?"

A moment later, the door opened, revealing Dr. Kapoor—a tall, bespectacled man with an aura of perpetual curiosity. He looked at them with a mix of surprise and concern.

"Sanjana, Sivam, Dev? What are you three doing here at this hour?"

"Long story," Sivam said, holding up his phone flashlight. "There's a blackout, and we found this in the old lab." He pointed to the device in Dev's hands.

Dr. Kapoor's eyes widened as he saw the device. "Come in, quickly."

They filed into his cluttered office, books and papers strewn everywhere, with various scientific instruments taking up most of the desk space. Dr. Kapoor closed the door behind them and turned on a small desk lamp, casting a warm glow over the room.

"Now, let me see this device," he said, holding out his hand. Dev handed it over, and Dr. Kapoor examined it closely, his expression shifting from curiosity to amazement.

"Incredible," he murmured. "This is... beyond anything I've ever seen. Where exactly did you find this?"

"In the old physics lab," Sanjana explained. "It was in a cabinet, glowing like a mini blue sun."

Dr. Kapoor nodded, still examining the device. "This technology... it's advanced. Far too advanced for our current capabilities. And you say it was just sitting in the lab?"

"Yeah, it was weird," Dev said. "And then it kind of... turned on by itself."

Dr. Kapoor's face grew serious. "This device, if I'm correct, is capable of manipulating time. You need to be extremely careful with it."

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