Give me some oral

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Linden's tail grew out just above his buttocks, nothing unusual, like an ordinary limb. But since Seraphina hadn't seen one before, she looked at it with curiosity, rubbing and touching it for a while.

After playing to her satisfaction, she finally dropped Linden's clothes. Realizing he hadn't brought any luggage today and probably had no other clothes to wear, looking like a hotel waiter standing in front of her, Seraphina accessed the online shopping interface and ordered two sets of home clothes for him.


The third-level human activity area had an indoor temperature of nearly twenty degrees Celsius even in winter, slightly cooler outside, but not too much.

In this world, space is strictly divided, and species are distributed across different levels according to their ranks.

Humans have completely dominated everything on Earth, grasped the mysteries of the universe, and achieved the so-called "liberation" of all humanity.

Even the lowest-ranking humans' work isn't considered manual labor; it just doesn't earn much, but isn't it good not to be exploited by capitalists?

Even with the additional rank divisions, isn't it reasonable to divide humans according to their genetic superiority? After all, there are inherent differences between people.

Anyway, these rules were formulated by the new leaders who emerged after the collapse of the old human world. Seraphina rarely thinks about the rationality of these rules now. She is clearly a beneficiary under the rules of this world, ranked in the top three out of a total of seventeen levels.

She knows some classmates who came from lower levels, but they are still a minority. Most humans are destined for their life outcomes and activity spaces at birth.S

eraphina doesn't remember much about her youth, which is strange, but she's used to it and doesn't dwell on it much.

'While waiting for the clothes, Seraphina was lost in thought, her mind empty. When she heard the delivery notification, she returned to the bedroom, opened the wardrobe, and found that two new sets of men's home clothes had been delivered to the closet through the secret passage.

Seraphina checked them and manually completed the transaction.

During this time, Linden had been diligently studying cooking and vegetable shopping via videos. After mastering most of the daily operations, he was suddenly grabbed by Seraphina and pressed onto the sofa by his tail.

His shirt remained unbuttoned, revealing slightly darker skin with some old scars scattered on it, seemingly impossible to fade away, or else they would have looked better.


Seraphina was much smaller than him but still managed to dominate him in presence, especially since Linden had no intention of resisting.

In this world, if other species wanted to resist humans, it was a dead end. With highly precise visual sharing technology, brainwave networking, and blood analysis technology, once humans experienced extreme fear or were in danger leading to abnormal adrenaline secretion, defense robots would be instantly activated.

If the perpetrators of the dangerous situation were non-human species, the defense robots would execute them on the spot.

Linden was fortunate to have witnessed an execution once.

Non-human creatures were not eligible for trial, so the execution process was very quick. The bodies of those non-human creatures were dragged away like scrap by robots, the ground swiftly cleaned, leaving no trace.

My puppy, my redemptionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن