Linden's sister, Luna

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Inside the room was Linden's sister, Luna, who was not yet fully awake, but as a wolf, she had sharp ears and instinctively moved when there was a movement.Linden didn't know that her sister had come home, and he didn't know how to tell her about the collar around his neck, but he felt that his "home" was too cramped and simple, and there was no place for Seraphina to stand,so what was the point of letting her in?'Seraphina was already sleepy, rubbing her eyes to stave off sleep, wanting to go home but unable to part with the puppy she'd spent so much money on.She knew that she had had so many memories erased that she probably wasn't much of an emotional person to begin with, and now her brain wasn't functioning properly, she just felt sleepy, sleepy as hell, and she wanted to sleep so bad, but there were cobblestones all over the place, and her feet ached from standing, and the heels of her heels were getting caught in the rocky crevices, and she shrugged her shoes off to the side in annoyance, and tugged at Linden, saying, " I want to sleep, you turn into a wolf!"-Seraphina ordered Linden in such a way that there was no way he could refuse, and obediently stood to the side a little changing into the form of a wolf: his fur was blue-gray in the sunlight, and he spun around in place, cocked his head at Seraphina and whined twice in a small whimper before lying down on the ground, flipping his belly at her while carefully peeking at her expression.Seraphina flopped down onto the dense soft fur of his belly in one fell swoop, Linden covered her waist and belly bits with his large long tail and she felt like she was sinking into a warm fluffy ball of cotton, falling asleep almost instantly as she lay down.Linden was actually very good-tempered, he just couldn't quite go against his nature and accidentally hurt Seraphina earlier.He was still in the aftermath of his rut, but it had to be suppressed now anyway, and he didn't really care anymore if Seraphina would allow him to go home with her. He just hoped that both girls in and out of the door would get a good night's sleep. He himself was tired from carrying dishes all night, so he curled his body up completely around Seraphina and snuggled his head next to hers and quickly fell asleep as well.-Linden awoke just as the sun came up, feeling his fur damp with dew on his back as he came back to consciousness, but his belly was dry and warm, and he lifted his tail to see Seraphina still sleeping soundly, both of her hands clutched tightly in his fur and clinging to his belly so dependently Linden couldn't help but lick her bare skin gently.Luna woke up and stretched before opening the door of their home, there was no way she and her brother's home was too small, the door of their home was just a few steps from their bed and almost within reach. Luna saw her brother lying curled up in a ball in the doorway and she screamed shrilly "Are you nuts why don't you go home and sleep!?"Linden's hairs stood up all over his body at the sudden yell and he hurriedly covered the person in his arms with his limbs and paws, not daring to raise his head and pretending that he hadn't woken up yet. But Luna went back to tugging at his head, yelling at him to get up and go home to bed.-Luna's voice is so loud that Seraphina is woken up and doesn't pay attention when she stands up, stumbling and stepping on Linden's paw, causing him to be unable to stand up even if he wanted to.Deeply disappointed that he was now too miserable for any words to describe, Linden just laid down on the cobblestone path in front of his house and pretended he was a corpse.Seraphina yawned and took a step forward and stepped on Linden's tail again, he didn't feel any pain anymore, just let her step on him wherever she wanted, as long as she didn't hit him in the balls he wouldn't even make the slightest sound.'Luna hadn't seen a human in a long time, and she expected even less to see one on her doorstep, she was shocked when she saw Seraphina get out from underneath her brother's stomach, so she looked at Linden again, noticing the red collar around his neck, and her expression instantly shifted to one of anger.Luna yelled at Linden to hurry up and change back to his human form, and Linden did so quickly, but this time Luna also saw the marks of the slave that had been burned out of his back with a branding iron directly on his back, the S-shaped symbol.Luna screamed as she picked up a pebble from the floor and smashed it at her brother, shouting hysterically "I thought we agreed not to do this?!" "You're disgusting, I disgust you!" "Go die die die!"The rock didn't really hit Linden, he just stood there with no expression on his face, Seraphina couldn't hear their conversation, she just reached out and grabbed Luna's arm and told her "Don't throw rocks."Luna subconsciously tries to bite Seraphina, Linden instantly runs behind Luna when he sees her baring her teeth and wraps an arm around her, covering her mouth with one hand and dragging her a little further away from Seraphina as he pleads, "Don't get mad Luna..."He couldn't afford to mess with Seraphina anymore, he felt like he and his family were now swimming on the brink of death.-Seraphina was living like a bully at this point, she stood lazily on the cold stone cradling her arms as she watched coldly as the siblings tore at each other, Luna slowly broke free of linden's restraints and turned towards the house, crying as she did so."I knew you wouldn't suddenly be rich!""Pervert! I hate you!""Disgusting!"Luna said a lot of hurtful things like that, and Linden followed her over to see her organizing her book bag, and some of his favorite jerky in the house, which she had probably bought for him with the money she had earned from her part-time job a while back."Obviously it's okay for me not to go to school, you're the one who has to make me go...don't make me go to school if you can't afford it...I hate you...I don't want to go to school anymore..."Luna cried like this but still sobbed as she carried her backpack to school.--Seraphina watched as Linden stood outside her home, sat down on the floor again, followed by getting up again, opening the door and entering the home, she lazily followed, only to realize that Linden and her sister's home was surprisingly small: there was only one bed in the house, with a small pink floral comforter, which at first glance looked like it was where Linden's sister slept. There was also a countertop with two cupboards on it, which was fairly clean, but only up to a point where there were no other large pieces of furniture.It's not quite as big as her bathtub.Seraphina thought.Linden looked at the time and figured it was time for Seraphina to have breakfast and remembered he had made some money last night, so he asked if she wanted breakfast and he would go get it.What could he do now? He can only do what's in front of him.-Seraphina shook her head, so he opened the closet and poured her a glass of water, trying to moisten her throat. But then he thought that the water here might not be very clean, and he dared her to drink it, hesitantly placing it on the countertop.Linden sat on the bed a little disheveled, both elbows propped up on his knees, his head drooping, his low self-esteem making it difficult for him to ask for her permission to go back with her. But what to do with his life next? He had no idea.Linden had fantasized a week ago that he would be in the company of a beautiful woman who could humiliate him and trample on him as long as he could look at her, and when she gave him the occasional handout, he could slave by her side until he died.Now his "job" only lasted a month before he screwed it up.He hope she doesn't go to the police...don't kill him...he has a family to support...she must not want him anymore...he's doing a horrible job.-Seraphina walked over to him and touched his soft ear, he didn't duck, she didn't get mad or say anything, she just moved his arm and sat on his lap. linden smelled her, his nose was a little hard and he wanted to cry a little.She reached out and touched his collar, observing the skin on his neck."You're bleeding." Seraphina said this, opening the collar with administrator privileges, only to see the needles all over it: the ones that would pierce his skin if she pulled hard enough.Linden's ears are still hanging down, and he only dares to lower his head and lean gently against her, not daring to make a sound at all.-What did Seraphina feel now? She thought it was probably pain.Shame and sorrow for being a "noble" human.She gently removed the collar and saw that there was dried blood inside. His neck was not so bad that it was festering, but it was still badly bruised, with a lot of tiny pinholes, red and swollen, some of them with scabs of blood. Maybe the owner of the underground boxing ring at the time was afraid that the adult wolf would be too difficult to tame, so he added a collar to make it easier for him to be controlled by his owner, but didn't expect Linden to be honest enough to not tell Seraphina that there were pins in the collar at all.Seraphina opened her own handbag on the counter where there was a bottle of a quick-acting drug she used on herself because he had bitten through her tits and she didn't like to wear a bra, and the wound hurt during the day when her clothes rubbed on it, so she sprayed the drug every few hours. She squirted the potion at his neck, his nose ducked and twitched uncomfortably from the fumes, Seraphina covered his nose and sprayed him with the medicine, the bad flesh on his neck soon scabbed over and fell off, turning into new pink flesh that had just grown.-She wipes his neck clean and gently asks him, "Does it still hurt?"Linden shook his head."Is your sister coming back?"He said, "Probably to school."Linden says this, sees the student ID her sister left on the bed, and looks down again, "Guess she'll be back in a little while."'Luna realizes she doesn't have her student ID with her before she gets on the shuttle and runs home in a huff, just as she rushes home she sees Seraphina sitting on her brother's lap, exasperated with a warning gurgle in her throat, the sound of a beast signaling aggression.Linden frowned at her sister as Luna finally realized what was going on now, her ears drooped down, her long tail pinned back, the corners of her eyes and mouth turned down, she looked aggravated, especially when she saw his arms wrapped tightly around Seraphina, her whole face scrunched together.-Her brother had become a male prostitute, her brother had become a male prostitute to earn money for her tuition.Luna wanted to bawl at the thought.So Luna just dropped bean-sized tears and rushed around the house, which didn't have much in the first place, and when she saw her student ID card, she grabbed it and headed out the door, and then suddenly remembered something, and took out of her bag the check that she had brought back from school, and threw it at her brother, telling him, "I don't want your money!"Seraphina reaches out and catches the check as she looks over to Linden, the other just bends over and drops her ears, pleading with her, "She's still very young and grumpy...please forgive her also..."

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