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Khalifa's pov .

Growing up, I always wanted to be respected by people around me. Some may think this is arrogance , but I didn't care.

As the eldest child of Muhammad Saeed and Maryam Saeed, my name is Khalifa Saeed. I have always had duties, even as a little child. I have two siblings,Asma ,a 23 year old young lady studying Psychology in Nile University and in her final year ,then Sadeeq, a 19 year old boy studying architecture in nile university too and is in 200level .

Since my dad has been wealthy since the beginning, we have never been without anything. While many people believe that those who are wealthy must be spoiled, we are the exact opposite. I am a 28-year-old man who has achieved a great deal. I have a master's degree in business administration and a first-class degree in software engineering from university. I own a number of businesses both inside and outside of Nigeria. My siblings and I couldn't be more different; in fact, some people wonder if we are connected at all because they are so gregarious and kind, while I constantly maintain a neutral expression.

Ya khalifa I'm going out with my friends, Sadeeq announced while wearing his shoes ." Be back by 6 , and if you're any minutes late you will face the consequences I said without looking up from my laptop .

Since our parents are away on business, I'm currently in charge of the house. "Ya khalifa, do you know that Afrah has opened a jewelry shop? Asma said ,coming down from her room I guess .I told you to stop being friends with that girl, but it seems like you never heard me, and how is that any of my business?I added .

She responded, rolling her eyes, "I don't get why you hate the girl."

"Never roll your eyes at me, number one, and why will I like that man whore, number two—the girl literally flings herself at every male she sees, I remarked. "I hope you're not even like her, because if you are Wallahi, you'll marry Dad's friend in two months I said ,picked my laptop and left the place to my room .

I took a shower, wrapped up some office work, and changed into a casual outfit.

I'm heading to Mujahid's place; he just returned from Canada today. I told Asma, who was grumpy, and I went. I shrugged, assuming she's still upset about our conversation, if not on a normal day she would have been like I should greet her crush Mujahid .

I got into my Mercedes and headed to Maitama, which is Mujahid's home. I've been close friends with Mujahid since we were in secondary school; our shared attitude on things explains our bond.

Upon arriving at their mansion , their security guard noticed my car and started hailing me before opening the gate for me . I parked my car in the parking lot not before tipping the security guards.

Assalamu alaikum I salamed and entered the house , where I met his mom . Assalmu alaikum mom I greeted her . " Wa alaikum Salam , Khalifa is it you in our house today she replied . " Yes ma I came to see Mujahid I said while scratching my neck ." So you only come to this house because of Mujahid , I know where I belong now she said feigning hurt ." No ma , it's not like that I've just been busy with work I said smiling .

" I was just pulling your legs my dear , how are your parents and siblings she asked . "They are fine Alhamdulillah, mom and dad went for a business trip and Asma and Sadeeq are at home. " Masha Allah she replied and told me to call Mujahid from his room .

When I walked up to his room, I saw that he was asleep. After giving it some thought, I went to his restroom to get some water and then I poured it all over him.Whoever it is that poured this water would not appreciate the result of what I will do, Wallahi he said, roaring as he pulled the cover away from his face to reveal me.Surprise!I said smirking .

He threw his pillow at me and yelled, "I swear, you are a jerk."Is that how you handle your guest, Mujahid Muhammad Badamasi? With a smirk, I asked." He shouted, "Get out of my room," and got up, perhaps to change.It has been over five months since you last saw me, I know you are delighted to see me, so please stop acting like that. I made the additions and gave him space to change.

Time skip.

After wasting my thirty minutes, Mujahid eventually came downstairs. I stated, sarcasm dripping from my voice, "Finally, his royal highness is down."With a grin on his face, he said, "Ohh, I forgot you were here."

We discussed about business and personal stuff for some time, then a pretty but nervous girl entered.Although she's attractive, she's definitely not my type due to her lack of confidence . I assumed that she was Mujahid's sister based on the way he spoke to her. She went to their mother's room after speaking with her.

" Why is it that I've never seen her before I asked ." That's because whenever you come here you're always in my room he said rolling his eyes ." I need to have rules for you for access to my room he added and continued sipping his tea.

"Are you aware that Layla has been attempting to get in touch with me?" I said seriously. Really?  He looked angry and continued, "I thought that girl left your life for good after what she did." I sighed as I thought the same thing as Mujahid. I only hope that this time I don't fall for her tricks. I really did love her.

Just keep praying and it will be well In Sha Allah he said and we continued talking for two hours before I finally left .

If you're wondering who Layla is, she's my allegedly obsessed ex-girlfriend. I loved her so much that I almost gave her half of my business, but thankfully Mujahid helped me see the light. She cheated on me with a client and then said some hurtful things. I wasn't always this cold-hearted, but as soon as she did what she did, things got worse and nobody wanted to be around me because I started hurting people. Fortunately, with therapy and my friends, I was able to move past that place. I don't know if I still love her or not because she was different from all women I've met .

Well here's our knight and shining armor 's pov .

Enjoy 😊

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