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after they're finished i just feel like breaking down and screaming. crying until i've ran out of tears, until I'm even emptier inside. people get it easy and they think they still don't have enough. they want everything and they get it. must be nice. i can't afford that luxury. instead, rich privileged men pay to use me and then they leave, forever, unless they want to abuse me even more. and i can't say anything, because their grip is too tight on my throat. they're constricting me. killing me. i feel like giving up. its the easy way out. just picking up a knife and bleeding to my death. standing on a ledge thinking 'is this high enough?' and slipping down to my downfall. consuming one too many pills, swallowing my pain. but I'm not a coward, and i suppose, deep inside me, i think that I'm going to be saved. that somebody is going to love me again. but i know they won't.

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