A journey of hearts

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Jungkook pov

Every morning, i followed the same routine. I would wake up, get ready for school, and then head to the bus stop. There was something about that particular bus route that always drew me in - perhaps it was the scenic view or the comfortable seats. But deep down, i knew the real reason i took that bus: the chance to see the boy again.

As i boarded the bus,my heart skipped a beat when i saw my crush. The handsome boy always seemed so confident and charming, and i couldn't help but admire him from afar. Today,i vowed, i would finally gather the courage to talk to him.

With determination fueling his steps, i made a way towards the side of the bus, where Jin was seated opposite . because there is no seat beside jin and more my appa sitting beside jin.As i seated ,i noticed Jin trying to discreetly capture my photo. Caught off guard, i couldn't help but smile at Jin's antics.

"Do you like him?"  My appa asked him... My heart beating faster than i imagine.

Jin seemed flustered, but he quickly replied, "Ah, he's my brother."

I chuckled softly, feeling a rush of warmth at Jin's response.

"He's my son," the man my appa revealed, gesturing towards me.

Despite the awkward encounter, i found myself intrigued by Jin. There was something about him that drew me in, something beyond his striking looks.

In my home i listened intently as my father shared stories about Jin's life, finding himself hanging on every word. Jin seemed so genuine and kind, and i couldn't help but admire him even more.

I couldn't deny the flutter of excitement in his chest whenever Jin smiled or laughed at something in phone . i realized that my feelings for Jin ran deeper than just admiration -i have a crush on him.


As I boarded the bus, my heart raced with anticipation. Today felt different somehow, as if the universe was conspiring to shake up my routine. With a mix of excitement and apprehension, I scanned the seats, hoping to catch a glimpse of him.

And there he was, walking down the aisle with a determined stride: Jin. I couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement in my chest at the sight of him. Jin always seemed so confident and charming, and I found myself drawn to him more and more each day.

As Jin approached, I couldn't help but notice the nervous energy radiating from him. His voice trembled slightly as he introduced himself, but there was a sincerity in his eyes that instantly put me at ease.

"Nice to meet you, Jin. I'm Jungkook," I replied, returning his smile with genuine warmth.

When Jin asked if he could sit beside me, I felt a surge of excitement coursing through me. "Of course , have a seat," I said, scooting over to make room for him.

As we settled into conversation, I found myself opening up to Jin in a way I hadn't with anyone else. There was something about him that made me feel understood, accepted.

Before I knew it, we were lost in conversation, the world around us fading into the background. Time seemed to slip away as we shared stories and laughter, each moment bringing us closer together.

As the bus neared its destination, I couldn't ignore the pull of fate guiding us towards each other. With a shy smile, I pulled out a piece of paper and scribbled down my phone number, hoping Jin would take the hint.

"Let's keep in touch," I said softly, my heart racing with anticipation.

Grateful for the unexpected connection, I handed Jin the piece of paper, feeling a sense of hope blossoming within me.


Jungkook couldn't shake the butterflies in his stomach whenever he was around Jin. He longed to tell him how he felt, but fear held him back. Instead, he cherished their friendship, hoping that one day, he would find the courage to confess his feelings.

 Instead, he cherished their friendship, hoping that one day, he would find the courage to confess his feelings

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