Part 2-Meeting the humans

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Narrator:Arcee,Bumblebee and Bulkhead see three humans at a school and they all decided to bring them back to the base so they wait outside of the school of them...

Arcee:Ok I am ready guys(radio to Bumblebee:you ready bee?)

Bumblebee radio back:(beep beep:Yes I am ready)

Bulkhead radio to Arcee:Same here.

Arcee:Ok now we wait.

*Jack,miko and Raf comes out of school*

Miko:School was sooo boreding ugh...*annoyed*

Jack:Well miko you are going to have to get use to it


Raf:Well I like school.

Narrator:Jack see a motorbike(Arcee) had to go home but didn't know how to get home so he get on the motorbike and goes home and so does Miko and Raf but then instead of going home they were at the Autobot's base...


Jack:what are you guys...

*Optimus walks behind them and they turn around *

Optimus: we are autonomous robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron but you can call us Autobots for short

Jack:O k but why are you here?

Optimus:to protect your plant from the Decepticons.

Arcee:the bots who tryed to get us.

Jack:Ok but why are they here?

Optimus:A far question Jack but they get Energon the blood line of Autobot and Decepticons a like.

Jack:Ok but do they have a um leader?

Optimus:No but they a Decepticon leader Named Megatron.

Miko:who's Megatron?

Optimus:A bit who I called a brother...

Ratchet:No, Megatron is a bad Bot!

Bulkhead:Ratchet calm down.


*Bulkhead breaks something*

Ratchet:Bulkhead I needed that!

*To be continued*

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