Thought So.

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I gazed out of my window, my stomach hurting and my legs screaming. I had chased Devon around the whole day for his spoon of ice cream though he ended up giving it all to me. You run like a girl. He had told me.

A smile appeared on my face as the moon began to surface from the clouds to smile at me. The smell of bacon and pizza suddenly  filled my nose for some reason and my stomach growled. Except for the deep fried icecream, i hadn't eaten anything since i had been kidnapped. I stepped away from the window and stared at my room. I turned from my practically destroyed window, and look at my room, depression filling me.

It was painted a poop brown, and i had thrown up in my mouth the first time i stepped in. There was a wooden stool near my feet, nails peeking out and scraping my skin. There was another stool that was practically thrown across the room that I hadn't bothered to touch and a mattress in the middle of the room with a torn-up bedspread put lazily on it. The roof was filled with cobwebs and spiders like Christmas ornaments, and the stale smell of rotten carrot  filled the room. The ground was filled with dust and my footsteps were all written on it, like a crime scene. I guess it would have been if my captors weren't so nice...

I collapsed on my bed, or my foam, and dust rose around me and fell on the floor, thankfully. i would have gagged, but i was going to pull myself together. I am going to pull myself together.

For Devon.

I swear if he weren't here i would have given up this shit a long time ago.

I heard the sickening creak of my door opening and a distant woosh of wind and turned, smiling. Devon...

But it wasn't. It wasn't him. It wasn't who I wanted to see.

It was Arena.

That girl gives me the creeps. I won't lie that she is a piece of sexy art, but she seems so mad at me, like my very existence is something wrong. I looked at her, and she scowled menacingly at me.

Okay, so...

'Lunch time.'

Lunch time?

She tossed a bit of rice and brown soup, the weirdest combination I have ever seen, to me. It smelled good, but the way she was looking at me, I didn't think it would be healthy, or good for me in general.

I then realized that my body had recoiled, and i was standing at the other end of the room father from him. My hands were shaking whereas my mouth struggled to form words. The scar along my back began to feel much more painful, and my mouth began to throb.

'Beacuse of this girl youve been acting unrationly, and quite frankly, really stupid.'

'I can say the same thing about you. Ever since she became our assigment, youve been acting sketchy and desperate and rude.'


'Why the hell do you fucking hate her so much?'

I wasn't going anywhere with this bitch.

'I'm full.' I informed her.

She stared at me, knowing I was uncomfortable. 'Eat it.' She scowled at me.

I stood up, annoyed, and tipped the food with my foot. I watched the brown soup flow towards her, the rice sticking to the ground. Arena's face was anything but chill.

I couldn't have cared less. 'I. Am. Full.'

She looked so mad. Smoke seemed to spill out of her ears and her face was red. She walked in and pressed me against the wall. I gasped. 'What are you doing?!'

'You think you're so tough. Let me remind you that you are the hostage. You can die at any moment, because we kidnapped you. Do you know how many people I've killed, the blood on my hands?'

'I'm going to guess they're a lot.'

'Shut up.' She spat out.

'Look girl, I get it. You don't want me to get a big head. But I have ears you know. I know why you haven't already beaten the crap out of me.'

She raised an eyebrow, waiting.

I took that as my que. 'Your boss wants me for something important. This isn't a normal kidnapping. We wouldn't be travelling around the entire America for something like that. You're trying to get the police off your trail, because Yenni can't be that far. You're sending them on a wild goose chase. Because I need to be unharmed.'

She smiled at me, her teeth pearl white in my dark room. There was silence in the room as she accessed me, her eyes running over my face. 'You're pretty. And smart too.'

As I said in the beginning. Really old line. It took all my will power not to roll my eyes.

She saw my disgust and dropped me. Like, literally dropped me on the floor.

'OW!' I winced, rubbing my butt. Who the fuck does this hoe think she is.

She looked down at me, her hazel eyes bright and glistening. 'Won't tell Devon?'

'Don't count on it.'

She chuckled. 'Thought so. But he won't be there to protect you forever.'

'He doesn't protect me.'

She raised an eyebrow. 'You're full. What did you eat?'


She smirked at my silence. 'Thought so.'

About 23 minutes before:

'I can't believe it!'

I gave Berry a piercing gaze so he can shut up and not wake everyone in the neighborhood. I peek out my door to see if Arena heard him. She seems to be everywhere these days.

I walked back to Berry. 'Dude shut up!' I whispered, taking my seat in a plastic chair.

'Wait, your serious right now? You're sure you do?' he asked, leaning his chair towards me in anticipation.

I breathed in and out. I buried my face in my head, I...


My eyes were bulging out of my sockets, but his question demanded an answer, so I breathed a sigh and ruffled my hair.


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