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Author's pov

In the dimly lit gym , the strong scent of sweat hung in the air like a suffocating shroud , adding to the ominous aura of that enveloped the space , a long figure of a girl with her messed up pony tail , a hair strands dancing of the forehead embedded with sweat drops stood amidst the shadows ther form illuminated only by the occasional flicked of the only light bulb shining From ceiling of the gym

Drenched in her own perspiration , her t shirt and Yoga pants clung to her figure like a second skin the sweat spreading through the black outfit was visible , she moved with purpose the muscles in her legs already trembling through the long cardio and workout session , her arms straining withevery step , every lift and every punch
With a primal scream , she launched herself at the boxing bag ,her fists flying in a frenzy of rage and frustration , flashbacks playing in her mind with every punch she releases , each impact reverberated through the room the sound ecohing off the walls like a war drum

The bag swung wildly its leather surface already marked and marred From the countless past sessions , but still she pounded on relentless in her assualt

Blood speedee from the strips of clothes wrapped around her knuckles with a purpose of protecting them failing miserably like always , being the witness of her ferocity with which she attacked
But she paid it no mimd the pain was only adding fuel to the fire of her anger
Around her the Gym remained eerily silent save for the rhythmic thud of her fists meeting their target. The other Patrons if there were Amy wisely kept thier distance sensing the raw power emanating from her

In early morning darkness she was a force of nature unleashed a creature of pure instinct and Fury with each blow she exorcised her demons releasing pent up anger and frustration with every ounce on force she left in herself he hands and her fingers have started shivering Hinting the lossing energy

And then her ears alerted to the clacking sounds Sharp heel that overshadowed the sound if her punches , she holded her moving bag Making the oscillations stop she stepped back from the bag her chest heaving with exertion , her body trembling with the aftereffect of her exertion

But their no satisfaction in her eyes no sense of catharsis , only a hollow emptiness remained which is there from a long time a void that could neber be filled no matter how hard she tries

She exhaled a deep breath , her hot body finally felt the coldness of the sweat absorbed clothes making.it itch , slowly she begins unwinding the the blood stains strips from her hands the white cloth now tinged with crimsom she stared at them for a long moment finding the solace in her blood on those stips , the weight of her actions sat heavy upon her soul

And then, with a resigned sigh, lifting her lashes glancing at the silent figure of lady decked in her formal black blazer over the crisp dazzling white shirt with a similar formal black skirt making the dusky complexion of her's shine , classic small gold studs suiting her ears

Holding a file in her hands , forwarding to her women looking at her with questioning her intentions of intervening her workout session

" I swear it was important " she said holding her soft skin of her neck in between her fingers amd thumb

" It better be" the other women replied walking towards her shaking her firearms and shoulders agressively to relax her muscles

" The meeting is preponed today and I have to take your sign for further processes " she said opening the file and forwarding in to the women hurriedly

The women hissed as her knuckles streched while running the pen she closed the filed with a loud thudd piecing the silence of the gym , pushing her lady side Making her disbalance a little the women made her way to the pool taking a long breath joining her feet together she dived into the freezing cold water , the water devour her warm body her knuckles burned by the touch of the chlorine water she moved her legs making the water around it push down making her way towards the surface

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