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Haveli urf RANAWAT  HOUSE , as dawn approached, the family slumbered peacefully, cocooned in the embrace of their dreams . Mahesh lay serenely in his bed, lost in his dreams. Suddenly, the tranquility shattered like fragile glass as the piercing sound of gunshots ripped through the air, jolting Mahesh from his slumber.

Wide-eyed and disoriented, Mahesh's gaze darted to his door speeding up from the bed sliding his feet in his sleepers he rushed  down , ranajana who was in the midst of her daily worship. The abrupt interruption caused her to drop the sacred items, sending a ripple of panic through the household. Kunal, the lazyass  of the dayfamily, tumbled from his bed  kissing her floor with a thud in a state of shock, his heart pounding with fear.

Meanwhile, Shreya, caught off guard while applying her face pack, jerked backward, the sudden impact causing the concoction to splatter across her face, transforming her momentarily into an otherworldly creature Making her tip of her brush poke into her eye making it burn he dropped the brush ran downstairs . Amidst the chaos, kaushal  and laxmi , engrossed in their early morning gossip session aka aao saiyan ji chugli kare , were abruptly silenced by the cacophony of noise shock dancing on their face , they got up from the respective chairs giving a shock stricken look to each other and went out

Outside, the once peaceful veranda became a stage for pandemonium as the roaring engines of cars filled the air, accompanied by the screech of tires against the ancient stone leaving round traces . The family, their emotions a tumultuous whirlwind, exchanged frantic glances, their faces mirroring a kaleidoscope of shock, fear, and confusion.

Mahesh's  brows furrowed with concern, his eyes reflecting the uncertainty of the moment. Ranjana's hands trembled as she clutched the sides of her saree on her sides , her lips forming silent prayers for safety. Kunal's breath came in ragged gasps, his heart still racing from the sudden awakening he , looking at her drifting car in a astonishment

Shreya, her once serene face now marred by the alien-like appearance of the face pack, blinked rapidly dues to her burning eye to just got injuriee , trying to clear her vision and make sense of the chaos unfolding around her. Kaushal and laxmi their gossip forgotten, huddled together for reassurance, their whispers drowned out by the clamor outside.

As the symphony of chaos continued to reverberate through the Haveli, the family looked  at each other, seeking solace in their shared fear.

Roaring engines ecohed the whole house and another loud gunshots fired , they all turned around looking towars the railing of the terrace

All stood frozen, their eyes squinting against the blinding sunlight as they tried to find who it was finally realising its avatika . With each heartbeat, their anxiety mounted, the tension palpable in the air.

Mahesh brows furrowed, his lips pressing into a thin line as a surge of anger coursed through his veins. He clenched his fists, her jaw tightening with resolve. "What is she doing with that dunali ?" He muttered seeing his late fathers dunali his voice roared but silenced in the roaring engines  

His wifes hand found his , her grip firm yet reassuring. Her gaze remained fixed on the terrace, her mind racing with a multitude of thoughts and fears. "We need to stay calm," she murmured, her voice shaky because of the turmoil within.

Kunals shifted , his eyes darting between his parents and his elder sister on the terrace. Uncertainty clouded his features, his heart pounding against his chest

As the minutes ticked by, the girl on the terrace seemed oblivious to the chaos she had caused. With a nonchalant air, she adjusted her stance, her finger poised on the trigger of the gun. Each movement sent a shiver down the family's spines, their senses heightened with fear and anticipation.

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