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My lovely grand pa he is a strength of our family and the strong man .He was a government retired master such a strict standards person and also he is a farmer and his family totally farmer's.
He reads out fairy tales and stories of kings, queens, princes, etc. to me before bedtime. He always encourages me to behave gently with everyone. My grandpa is my inspiration and role model and I want to become a noble person like him when I grow up.

My grand father daughter is my mother .He fullly support to my mom life he never care of his other two sons they are settled their by own .In holidays am and my brother went to his village and spend a lot time with grand pa . Always he use to tell that childrens u r all should write the dictionary words,tables,news paper paragraph etc after he gave chocolates or gave snacks.

Am in 6th Std in our school arrange the school trip am persistenceing to my grand pa to gave a money for trip .He never accept that after that I trouchered him after he gave its is a best moments why because by sack of him I enjoyed the trip with my friends .and another best moments is when I was in village with him he is always every Saturday bring pakoda to house we are all enjoying that .only one time I beet by him for not writing the assignment given by him .

A grandfather has the wisdom of long experience and the love of an understanding heart.My Grandparents are special to me because they give me lots of hugs and kisses. They play with me and give me sweets and chocolate and they love me very much. My grandparents are special to me because they give me sweets and candy floss and take me to different places when my mum and dad are away.

My definition of my grandpa was a wise man that gave the best advice, the best storyteller in the universe, the best person to make you cheer up when you are down, and the funniest man alive. From the beginning of my life, my grandpa was always there for me.

My Grand father role :Traditionally, grandparents had the role of mentor, historian and loving companion. They provided families with love, encouragement, patience, acting as role models, teaching skills and talents to other members of the family..

One day my grand pa health became worst he only ignore his health why because of tablets cost after that in 2020 August 04 ge admitted to hospital.the ignorance of doctors and himself ignorance his health became worst his kidney failure at the last stage in that time my SSLC results are announced I scored first class but he won't listen because his unconscious he never listen my result at the end also . Always he is says that only the education is to changing our life so u have to read and being a good education women and self employed became in life .at the end August 16th 2020 his last stage of his life I entered to see him in icu I very hard to see that moment 💔🥺he suffers a lot .a day spent after 17th August 2020 he passed away 😭 at morning 5.35 am . It was the worst moment in my life 💔.love you more pa all the people's in earth I use to say that gave a respect to grand parents.

Miss you grand pa

Grandparents hold our hands for just a little while, but our hearts forever." "Grandparents are like magicians. They can create wonderful memories for their grandchildren out of thin air." "There will never be a day like the day your grandchild was born.".

The end .

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