9 3 1

We slept at a guesthouse that night, afraid that the people who attacked us earlier would still be at the apartment. Lilly didn't oppose anything or even bother to question any decision she just followed along like a lost puppy. Either she's just quite and well disciplined or she doesn't want me to start doubting her.

We didn't see Alice again but i knew she knew where i was. She always knew; i wouldn't be surprised if she had a tracker on me.

07:23 am

I sat at the table in the corner of the kitchen area at the guesthouse where we were living for the time being. Coffe on one side of the table  a pen in my right hand, I was busy filling in Lilly's aplication form for her training in Russia.

"Good morning" I heard a voice say.

I almost jumped out of my seat from the shock but my physical body didn't react. Thankfully it was just Lilly.

"Good morning Lilly, I'm busy filling in your aplication forms, would you like to see?"

She sat beside me to get a better view of the forms.

In that moment i realised three things about Liily that i had never noticed before .

No 1. Was the fact that i wasn't able to sense her coming towards me. I have always had sharp hearing and after becoming a detective i was always able to detect a person's presence near me, even Alice's presence. Yet for some reason i wasn't able to hear or sense Lilly coming towards me. There are a very few people in the world that can make their presence unknown and those people have undergone years of training.

No2. Was how she sat down on the table close to my cup of coffee yet the coffee didn't move. Her sudden movement should have caused the liquid in the cofeemug to move even just by an inch.

And then ofcourse my last observation is her observation of me. Before sitting down, she carefully scanned the table and chair. And yes, anyone can do this and it isn't really much but after sitting down she placed her right hand under the table feeling for something. Not to point out the obvious but Lilly doesn't trust me and she was searching for any weapons that i might hide to attack her.

Now the question is, why would Lilly be afraid of me when she's the one that came to me.
However the main question should be, why would an 18 year old girl intentionally go to a man who she has never met before and blindly agree to live with him.

Bạn đã đọc hết các phần đã được đăng tải.

⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 10 ⏰

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The detective is already dead Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ