five| the past

15 1 0

YEAR 121

It had been four years since Nez's parents had agreed to let Killian live with them. All it had taken was for him to say his name and till now Nez didn't understand why the name Cursebreaker meant anything to her parents. She remembered them exchanging glances and then nodding furiously.

They seemed to care for him more than they had ever cared for her. But it didn't really matter to her.

It didn't matter as long as she was able to see his blue eyes and his wide smile everyday.

It had taken some time before she had seen that smile again. It had taken six months and twelve days before he spoke to anyone after that day. It had taken two years, eight months and two days before he had smiled again.

She remembered that day clearly. It was one of her fondest memories, only second to the first time they met.

She had been very angry. She didn't even remember why she had been that angry. So angry that the entire balcony of their mansion had been changed into a molten lava. Her parents had left her to stew by herself which made her worse because she wanted someone to see her.

Killian suddenly appeared out of nowhere. At the time, she hadn't been sure if he was able to teleport or if he just happened to be there every time. She later found out that it was a mix of both reasons. He didn't even speak to her. All he did was to tilt his head at the damage, pull his hood over his face with his shadows and then ice the lava.

He formed a sort of barrier with the ice and even though they shared that power, there was a sort of difference that came with his.

It looked more magical, more sincere, more Frostia worthy.

"Are you okay?" He had asked her.

Her heart had been beating so loud in her chest, she was positive Killian could hear it from where he was.

"Yes. And you? Any fire get to you?"

"I.. I'm fine. No fire got to me." He nodded his head.

It stayed quiet for a moment before he broke it.

"Actually, no. I'm not fine. I've not been fine for a long time and now I'm scared that I might never be again. I don't know how to be happy once more..." His voice was barely above a whisper, head faced down.

My heart broke a little at the sight. No one ever wanted to see their crush suffering. She'd pulled his arm gently, leading him to a seat where they both sat down.

"I know, Kian. I can't pretend to know the pain that you're going through and I'm not asking you to forget their memories. All I'm saying is that they're here... right in our hearts."

He had looked up then, searching her eyes, "How do you do it? How do you stay so happy and confident? I've seen the way your parents treat you and it's heartbreaking."

A small smile made its way to her cheeks.

"Heartbreaking? Wow, I think that's a first," I paused for a moment, "I believe in you. I know you can be happy, even more than me. I'm here. Always."

At first he just stared at her, surprise and undisguised awe filling his face and then the brightest smile she had ever seen blossomed on his face. She had been so stunned that she did nothing but watch him for the first few seconds. When it seemed like the smile was going to drop, she gave him an answering one and blushed when she noticed that his cheeks had turned red.

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