six| the present

9 1 0

YEAR 125

One month had passed since that day. Killian had gone after he had received a summon and she had been left in the dungeon for two days. Two days in darkness, dark spirits appearing but not harming her.

She was still not used to the shadows even though she had become one of them four years ago. She hated the helplessness that came after seeing them. She knew that she could not kill all of them but she could fend herself now if that day happened again now.

It still didn't stop her from being scared.

She hated it. Feeling small and insecure whenever one encroached on her space too much.

She hated it. She knew that these dark spirits drank on her fear and yet she couldn't just... turn it off.

Nez shook her head as she tried to clear her head of the unpleasant thoughts. Once more, her head rose up as she searched the crowd for Killian. She hadn't seen him ever since the dungeon.

She had seen his shadows once, recognised it and went after it but it disappeared before she could catch up with it.

"Darkwhisper." Someone called.

She turned to the voice, Marcus. She had become somewhat civilised with him ever since he spoke to the court on her behalf and offered to apologize. She didn't accept his apology and she still thought he was a huge idiot but she didn't hate him.

It was because of him that she met Killian again.

"How do you like your party so far?" He said, his eyes admiring her.

"It's not bad. Have you seen the Cursebreaker?"

"No. Looking for your love so early into the party? Enjoy it with the rest of us, at least." He chuckled.

"He's not my love." She gritted out.

He wasn't hers anymore. He didn't even remember her till now. And if he did, he didn't want anything to do with her.

"Sure. And you're not looking absolutely devastating at the moment." He snorted.

"Was that a compliment or a jab?" She looked around his head when she thought she saw someone that looked like Killian. It wasn't him.

"A compliment. I'm pretty sure you can see it yourself."

She could. Even she was impressed by herself. She looked better than she had expected.

She looked at herself in one of the many mirrors stationed in the ballroom, her dark eyes piercing.

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