Drama-pt 1

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As Moon Finally gets to Saturns orbit, he sees Titan and.. Titania?
Moon was kinda confused cause, Titan NEVER spends time with Titania.
"Huh?" thought Moon, then his eyes widened in horror when he saw..

Titan making out w Titania.
Moon was heart broken, all of those times when Titan said he loved him.. Were fake.
Moon suddenly started to tear up, "i hate him." he thought. He didn't realize he was still staring at them until Titan looked at him.
"M-MOON-?!what are you doing here..?!" Titan was shocked and embarrassed.
He felt guilty, buy he didn't show it.
"I HATE YOU." Moon shouted, "I WISH I NEVER DATED YOU." he suddenly burst into tears and "ran" away to earth.

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