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This heat was kicking my ass. But I didn't have time to stop and rest; I was already late. I should enjoy the sun and daylight when Joe gets a hold of me. I don't even want to think about it.

"Let's go. You have school tomorrow." Joe finally spoke to me after almost a month of silence.

I hadn't been to school in that month's time either.

"Remember I put my schedule in blue, and yours is in yellow." Joe reminded me as he had synched our schedules onto one piece of paper.

See? This is what has been going on. He doesn't trust me. I hadn't realized how late I was that day, but it was late, and he was so mad at me. He didn't even say anything to me. Still, he communicated to me that I wasn't attending school for the time being with a note saying as such, attached to my door, " Not today or tomorrow." it was there every day, but today was when I noticed that it wasn't present.

"Okay, I will be seeing you at lunch. I'm not mad anymore. My chubby bunny." Joe held her close as he opened the door to her first class, then waved bye to her, repeating the nickname once more as he waved at her from her seat.

" bye." She waved indiscreetly, hoping he would stop yelling the name and head to his classroom, but he did not until almost the entire class was coming through the door.

The teacher looked on, so pleased at the sibling love being displayed.

"Yeah, bye, chubby bunny!" The teacher looked shocked, realizing how the class had turned the lovely nickname horridly.

The hurt look that flashed across her face and eyes made the teacher's heartache for the gorgeous girl.

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