The feeling

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(You pov)

It had been a couple months since (c/n) and Ciel left for their honeymoon. Sebastian had been ordered to stay with me, but both of us began to worry. What could be happening? Sebastian kisses my neck hugging me from behind as I look at the pictures tooken of them and Sebastian while I had been out. "I still feel guilty, " I whispered not trusting my voice. "You had no control, " Sebastian rubs my belly. I wasn't pregnant, he was trying to help me relax. "What happened to the other three, " I asked. "They died in an earthquake, " he answered, " three years after we hide Cie saying he is dead. " I turn to face him wrapping my arms around his neck. "Sebastian," I kiss his neck softly. "Yes, " he asked. "I am worried for them, what is taking them so long, " I look up at him. Just as he was about to answer he stopped and pulls me to the front. He opens the door to see Ciel get out of the car he had been driving. He goes to the other side helping (c/n) out of the car. I rush over hugging them. "I missed both of you," I kiss their cheeks. They blush slightly but not as much as they used to. Ciel was wearing his eyepatch dressed in jeans and a Black tank top. (c/n) in a loss fitting sun dress. Then I sensed it. A third person, I look around. I felt a bump and I look down seeing (c/n) have a bump on her belly. I look at her ,Ciel and then Sebastian. Sebastian frowns but then senses it as well. "You are pregnant, " Sebastian pulls (c/n) to him. "Yes, " she blushed. "Is that why it took a while for you two to come home, "Sebastian asked. "We need to talk, " (c/n) said taking Sebastians and my hand. She takes us in the big house Ciel had got. Ciel followed behind blushing. (C/n) then goes to the couch sitting us down. She and Ciel sat on the other couch. "It took us a while because, " Ciel looks at (c/n). "I had conceived the baby the third week of the honeymoon, " (C/n) blushed, " we were worried about what you two would do. "

(Sebastian pov)

They had broke the news, but I didn't know what to do. My only baby girl was grown up and pregnant. (Y/n) seemed to take it well until she suddenly began to cry. I look at her. "Are you okay, " I asked. "Oh my baby girl is grown up, " she hugs (c/n).
"Stop glaring at me, " Ciel looks at me. I frown had I been glaring. "Sorry my lord, " I bow slightly. (C/n) pokes my face. I look at her, " yes baby girl?" "Can you make some green tea, " she asked softly. "Anything baby girl, " I smile softly. I get up to make the tea and (c/n) followed. I look at her when we get to the kitchen she only followed me like this when she was smaller. "Is there something that is bugging you, " I hug her tightly but not to tightly. "I feel like I am in danger, " she hugs back. "What do you mean, " I look at her. "I feel like something bad is going to happen, " she looks at me tears in her eyes. I wipe the tears that fall. "Did you tell Ciel, " I asked softly. She nods, " I did thats why we are also back. He had been making sure it was safe to leave but he also has been feeling something wrong." "Why didn't he call for me, " I asked, " I could have come and helped." "We didn't want mom to worry and relapse," she answered. It was true (y/n) could still relapse and go back into the coma. I nod and get working on the tea. "If you feel that way make sure to tell me or Ciel," I said hanging her the cup of green tea when I was done.

( (C/n) pov)

I have been having a massive craving for green tea. At the honeymoon we had ran out of it. I drink the tea greedily, and my dad noticed. "Cravings, " he asked and I nod. He made a big pitcher of green tea and puts it in the fridge. "Just in case for the nights, " he winks at me. I smile, " daddy? " Yes I still had that habit. "Yes, " he looks at me. "What do you think about being a grandpa soon, " I smile shyly. "It would have come one day, " he kisses my forehead and leaves the kitchen and Ciel comes in. He goes to me. "Did you tell him, " he asked softly. "Yes, " I nod, " I told you I wanted to, he is my father after all. " "You mom can't find out about this yet, " he strokes my cheek softly, " I know you want to, but none of us want her to relapse." I started to get that feeling again, the feeling of danger. I hold onto Ciel and he holds onto me. What was this feeling for? It started around the same time I learned I was pregnant. "I promise I will do my best to keep you safe, " Ciel said in a determined voice," you and the baby." He kisses me tenderly causing me to smile. "Let's hope the walls are sound proof like they told me, " Ciel said making me blush," I don't want to hear Sebastian and (y/n) when they get it on. " I can't help but to laugh. Ciel got me more tea and I take it greatfully. "Let's watch a movie with them, " Ciel smiles taking my hand. I follow him to see my dad put in a movie it happened to be Ultraviolet (my all time favorite movie, just a little fun fact X). We all watch the movie I was inbetween my parents and Ciel at my feet. I felt safer than I have in a while and fall asleep my head on my mother's shoulder.

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