Two souls One body

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(Sebastian pov)

I did what I could to fix up Jose, who now looked like he was fighting infection. Ciel continued to hold (C/n) in his arms tears flow out of him like a waterfall. (Gc/n) was reaching for her father and mother. "H-hold on, " Jose tried going to Ciel but he needed my help," something feels off. " Ciel only holds (C/n) closer. "This is all your fault, " Ciel cry's like a little child ," I had ordered you to keep your family safe over me! " Ciel was suddenly shaking as he kissed the burned remains of my baby girl. I can feel anger rise inside of me and sadness so much sadness, yet I had to stay strong in order to find (Y/n). Jose moved Ciel a little to check on (c/n). "H-her soul is missing," he said. "Y-yes because she is gone, " Ciel looks at (C/n) as if he would give anything to bring her back. "No look here, " Jose points to a cut I have not seen on her neck," her soul was taken before her body was harmed any further." Ciel asked, " so she is still alive?! " "It is very much possible, but you need to take care of her b-body as if she was a-alive so that her soul can reattach," he was gasping for air. "Sebastian I order you you to take us somewhere safe ," Ciel ordered. "Yes my lord, " I took (C/n) in my arms as Ciel grabs (Gc/n) out of my arms. I started at (c/n) as flashbacks of her short childhood played through my head. I shook my head and took them to a tiny house that I knew would be safe. I took (C/n) to the master bedroom and placed her on the bed. I began my work on taking the dead and burned flesh off bandaging her and finally dressing her. (c/n)s proud flowing hair had been burned on parts but her face remained untouched.

(Ciel pov)

I looked around the house looking for anything to feed (gc/n) as she cry's from hunger. "My dear, " I whispered lightly bouncing her so she would be a little calm. I found nothing in the house but I found things to help heal Jose and (c/n). I would give them to him after ordering once he was done to go to the store to got (gc/n) something so she could eat. After he left I went to (c/n) seeing her in this state left me feeling so hopeless. (Gc/n) stopped crying and now reached to her moms soulless body. I lay next to her placing (gc/n) next to her mom. "Mommy will wake up sooner or later. She will get better, " I told her and she looked at me with knowing sad eyes. My eyes widen, only (c/n) has looked at me like that. Was my child's mate close by?! I quickly snatched her into my arms holding her close. "don't grow up to fast, " I begged, " I want your momma to watch you and raise you not Miss your first steps!"

(Leader pov)

"Where is the damn baby, " I lost my temper breaking (y/n)s arm causing her to flinch. She heals fast because she was a demon. "I would never tell you, " she spat at me getting my face. "Very well your baby would due for now but later she will need the other child's power," I growl whipping (Y/n)s back. "Sir, " a hissing voice I knew so well to be my wife Juliet," I have the girl." I look at her but frown, " where?" "I have her soul we can just place her in a body and have her conceive another child," Juliet smirks . My eyes widened as a sudden idea hit me.

(you pov)

The leaders eyes widen at a sudden idea. "Hold (y/n) very still, " the leader ordered causing two of the men holding me to tighten their grip. My breathing picks up as he took something from Juliet and walks towards me. He placed his sharp nail on my chest slashing me open. I gasp trying to get away but his sharp nail stayed there keeping me in place. He then plugged his hand that held something into the cut causing my back to arch in pain. A cry like no other left my lips causing the leader to smile. My vision blurred as he took his hand back. I could hear screaming in my head and suddenly I was on the floor breathing hard as whatever he put in my began to root. "Momma, " I heard (c/n)s voice loud and clear in my head soon leaving my lips. My eyes widened he had put (c/n)s soul in me. My body felt numb as (c/n) took hold of my body.

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