Pilot - The Meeting

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First things first, let's meet the cast!

Cynical Bunny:
Name: Cynical Bunny
Species: Rabbit
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Inspired from: Bomber Monkey from Bomber Monkey and Rabbit Gorl (my OC)
Abilities: Chaos Spark, Fused magic orbs, Popsicle Fall, Gaster Blaster
Favorite object: Tokens
Favorite games: Dragons Lair and Disney Infinity Toy Box
Favorite TV shows/ videos: Chuck E' Cheese birthday party videos, Bomber Monkey
Favorite character: Trix Rabbit, Monica (Turma da Monica), Woodstock, Daroach, Ganondorf
Favorite animal: Rabbit, mouse, monkey
Items: Tokens, Phoenix Token, Skrabble, Chococup Surprise Egg, rabbit plush, glider, key, Jessica the Magician charm picture, Dragon's Lair Medieval Environment Scenery, monkey plush

Monica Sousa (Turma da Monica):
Name: Monica Sousa
Gender: Female
Abilites: Superhuman Weight, Superhuman Lift, Sansao Smash, Sansao Throw, Sansao Copter.
Favorite object: Sansao (a blue rabbit plush)
Item: Sansao

Trix Rabbit (Trix commercial):
Name: Trix Rabbit
Species: Rabbit
Gender: Male
Abilities: Trickster, Disguising, etc.

Woodstock (Peanuts):
Name: Woodstock
Species: Bird
Gender: Male
Abilities: Flying, singing and morphing into spear, star handle from Ristar.
Favorite object: Trees

Cebolinha (Turma da Monica):
Name: Cebolinha
Gender: Male
Favorite object: Ball

Daroach (Kirby):
Name: Daroach
Species: Mouse
Gender: Male
Abilities: Summoning orbs, fusing orbs
Favorite items: Fused orbs

Ganondorf (Zelda):
Name: Ganondorf
Gender: Male
Abilities: Dark Power, Dark Hand, Despair Flames

Chuck E' Cheese:
Name: Chuck E' Cheese
Species: Mouse
Gender: Male
Favorite items: Pizzas

Guest Star: Rede Globo, Pasqually and Plankton

Let's start!

Trix Rabbit: Hehehe, the Trix cereal will be mine!
Monica: Sou a Monica, sou a Monica, dentuchina e sabischona.
Trix Rabbit: You can speak Portuguese! Nice. How many languages can you speak?
Monica: I can speak Portuguese and English.
Trix Rabbit: That is pretty good! I can only speak English...
(Cebolinha approaches at Monica and Trix Rabbit)
Monica: Oi, Cebolinha, como estas?
Cebolinha: Estou bem, só estou a brincar com os meus amigos.
Monica: Que bom!
Rede Globo: A glória vem para aqueles que ganham! Coletamos todos os votos dos países com nossos correspondentes e nossas equipes de reportagem. Vamos ver os resultados no estúdio!
Monica: Ok, Globo, vou contar com seus resultados.
Trix Rabbit: Olá, Monica, prazer em conhecê-la!
Cynical Rabbit: You said you only speak Portuguese?
Trix Rabbit: Yes, actually I can speak more language. I always go to another places such as Mexico and live there. That's why I can speak many languages!
Cynical Rabbit: But you live in the US!
Trix Rabbit: Mexico is such a beatiful place, and all countries are also beatiful places! I also live in another countries too!
Cynical Rabbit: So that means you don't live in Mexico?
Trix Rabbit: That's right! I don't live in Mexico! I live in somewhere else, over the hills! I was raised there and meet my friends in there!
Cynical Rabbit: Oh, that's good then!
(Woodstock from Peanuts flutters and approaches at Cynical Rabbit, Monica, Cebolinha and Trix Rabbit)
Woodstock: Sometimes, I will go to another countries, too!
Cynical Rabbit: You're Woodstock?
Woodstock: That's right! I am Woodstock! I like the blue skies and I like to relax!
Cynical Rabbit: Ok then, so, what objects do you like?
Woodstock: I like trees! It really wonderful! When it's windy, the leaves in the trees will blow!
Monica: I love trees too! I play with my bunny doll Sansao and hang out with my friends below the tree!
Woodstock: I always stand of the tree branch and feel the wind breeze! I love the trees!
Cynical Rabbit: Wowee, so what do you want to talk to me again?
Woodstock: I can sing! I sing in a beatiful voice! Do you want to hear me singing?
Cynical Rabbit: Yes, sure!
(Woodstock sings)
Woodstock: Chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp!!!
Monica: That's such a beatiful singing!
Woodstock: Thank you so much! Do you want to hear it once again?
Ganondorf: I am the ruler of Hyrule and all of the world, and everyone will praise me as a lord, and no one can destroy me!
Monica: Ganondorf! You sound too harsh. Don't you think you should speak politely?
Ganondorf: I will destroy all your puny friends and I will destroy all the world!
Monica: Ganondorf! That's not good! Don't you think destroying the world is bad?
Ganondorf: I am hungry for my power. I hunt my power to become the greatest lord and I use my power to conquer the world!
Monica: You should stop hunting the power become a lord! You should talk with my friends! My friends wants you to hang out together!
Cynical Rabbit: You should praise him instead, or not you will get any trouble!
Monica: Praising him? No way!! He's an evil person!
Cynical Rabbit: Maybe we should give him food instead? Giving food to him is better than worshipping him.
Cebolinha: How about we give him chocolate?
Monica: Chocolate? Sounds good, Cebolinha.
Cynical Rabbit: Are you sure this is going to work?
Monica: I am sure it will work!
Cynical Rabbit: I bet this chocolate will not work. I am sugesting for greater treats instead.
Cebolinha: What about candies?
Monica: Yes, candies are great too!
Cynical Rabbit: Don't worry, I bought all of candies in my pocket from the shop. It was my leftovers and I plan to eat those...
Monica: Woa! That's good! Bring these to him, Cynical Rabbit!
Cynical Rabbit: Your highness... allow me to bring you these candies.
Ganondorf: Thanks you so much for your offer, Cynical Rabbit. As a token of gratitude, I will eat it now.
(Ganondorf eats the candies)
Monica: See? It worked.
Cebolinha: With this candy, we don't have to bother him and he will be good again.
Monica: But what happens if the effect is gone?
Cebolinha: Oh no, it's way worse.
Monica: You're right, id the effect is gone, Ganondorf will be bad again...
(Ganondorf finally ate the candies, after he ate the candies, Ganondorf's evilness is back again)
Cebolinha: Oh no, here it goes...
Ganondorf: You fool? Don't you think this candy can make me become good? Candies are no use for me, you little dimwitt!
Monica: Oh no, those candies didn't work...
Ganondorf: Your treat is useless, instead I will destroy all of you!
Cebolinha: We gotta run!!!
(Cynical Rabbit, Monica, Cebolinha, Trix Rabbit and Woodstock runs from Ganondorf)
Cynical Rabbit: We must change our tactics...
Cebolinha: Maybe we should use bigger treats, like ice cream?
Cynical Rabbit: Cebolinha, that thing will not work.
Monica: So what now? Are we going to use another tactics?
Cynical Rabbit: I know. We should false worship him. What do you think?
Monica: Are you crazy? Are we all going to become his servant?
Cynical Rabbit: No, we don't actually worship him, we just false worship him!
Monica: That is quite a strange idea, so ok.
Cynical Rabbit: First, we say like this "Oh Ganondorf, we praise you for your greatest power", then, we give him a fake coin which is a chocolate coin.
Monica: I understand what you said, so let's do this.
(Cynical Rabbit, Monica, Cebolinha, Woodstock and Trix Rabbit returns to Ganondorf)
Cynical Rabbit: My highness, I will praise you for you are the mighty lord and the powerful ruler of the world...
Monica: Yes, we will be your servant, we will obey your command, Master.
Cebolinha: Of course, Master! Whatever you want, I will fulfill your request!
Woodstock: Yes, we will always be your servant for you are the greatest warrior and the greatest ruler of Hyrule.
Daroach: What are you doing worshipping with this bad guy? Is this bad?
(Cynical Rabbit whispers)
Cynical Rabbit: We were false worshipping him!
Daroach: Don't you think worshipping him is bad?
(Cynical Rabbit whispers again)
Cynical Rabbit: Do like me! You should false worship me like I do! First, you should say like "your highness, I praise your for your greatest power..."
Chuck E Cheese: Woa, woa, you worshipping him? He's a bad guy. I don't want to worship him!
Cynical Rabbit: No, we were false worshipping, you should false worship him so that he will not attack us!
Chuck E Cheese: How about making a poisionous pizza? It's good enough to defeat him.
Cynical Rabbit: That's a good idea! Ganondorf, as a token of gratitude, I will make you the greatest pizza you could ever imagined.
Ganondorf: A greatest pizza, eh? Thanks, it sounds so good to me, I want to eat that pizza.
(Cynical Rabbit and Chuck E Cheese goes to Pasqually's kitchen)
Cynical Rabbit: Ok, first thing first, we must have ingredients to make such poisionous pizza! All we need to do is call Plankton to make the poisionous pizza!
Chuck E Cheese: Oh yes! Plankton sure can make the pizza nasty.
(Cynical Rabbit grabs out her handphone and calls Plankton)
Cynical Rqbbit: Hello, Plankton, we're making a poisionous pizza for Ganondorf. Could you please give me some ingredients to make a poisionous pizza?
Plankton: A good question, Cynical Rabbit. The best ingredient to make a dough is a cyanide, then rat poison, [insert poisionous ingredients here] then mix it up and you've done making a poisionous pizza!
Cynical Rabbit: Thank you so much, Plankton. I will make the poisionous pizza as soon as possible!
Plankton: No problem! All I need is continuing the Krabby Patty secret formula so that Krabs will not be noticing me!
Cynical Rabbit: Now we have finally get the poisionous ingredients, so let's make the poisionous pizza!
(Cynical Rabbit makes a pizza dough by putting rat poison, cyanide and all other dangerous stuffs in there. Then, Cynical Rabbit mixes the ingredients and tosses it)
Pasqually: Oh my! What are you doing?
Cynical Rabbit: We're making a poisionous pizza for Ganondorf!
Pasqually: Oh no! Make it stop!
Cynical Rabbit: Ok, now for the toppings. First, we put the tomato sauce!
(Cynical Rabbit puts the tomato sauce onto the poisionous pizza dough)
Cynical Rabbit: Second, we use a rotten tomato. Since the rotten tomato can be distinguishable, I'm gonna use fresh tomatoes instead!
(Cynical Rabbit puts the fresh tomatoes onto the poisionous pizza dough)
Cynical Rabbit: Then, we put all fresh toppings onto the poisionous pizza!
(Cynical Rabbit puts all fresh pepperonis, fresh mushrooms, and fresh olives onto the poisionous pizza dough)
Cynical Rabbit: Then, we bake it!
(Cynical Rabbit bakes the poisionous pizza, several hours later)
Cynical Rabbit: There it is! A poisionous pizza. Now we can deliver it to Plankton.
Chuck E Cheese: Allright, let's gice that nasty pizza to Ganondorf!
(Cynical Rabbit and Chuck E Cheese goes back to Ganondorf)
Cynical Rabbit: Here it is, your highness, the greatest pizza just for you!
Ganondorf: Thank you so much for your loyalty. Now I can eat your pizza now.
(Ganondorf is about to eat the pizza)
Ganondorf: Oh boy, I become extremely hungry. Time to eat this pizza now.
(Ganondorf eats the pizza)
Ganondorf: Ah, delicious. I really want to eat this such pizza again.
Cynical Rabbit: Anytime, whatever your request will be straight to your command, your highness.
(Ganondorf gets poisioned by the poisionous pizza)
Ganondorf: Oh, no, my head got a headache, and my tummy does not feel so good!
Cynical Rabbit: Our ingredients uses the greatest ingredients, which suits better just for you!
Ganondorf: Oh no, what's happening to me?
Monica: Yeah! Take that, you evil ruler! You can't able to attack me and my friends!
Cebolinha: Yes! Go away! Don't you ever conquer this world again!
Woodstock: You should go away, Ganondorf! Everyone does not like you and you should get out of this place!
Trix Rabbit: Yes! You cannot even catch me, little punk! Only us can beat you in the first place!
Daroach: Don't you ever hurt people and conquer the world ever again.
Chuck E Cheese: Yeah, you should not conquer the world again. You should stay away from us and do it another else.
Ganondorf: No... what is going on with me...
(Ganondorf is defeated)
Daroach: Now, what will we do for the pizza?
Chuck E Cheese: Maybe we should put this into the garbage bin?
Cynical Rabbit: No, putting this into the garbage bin will be noticeable... at least I got an idea, we should throw this into the river!
Chuck E Cheese: Sounds like a good idea!
(Cynical Rabbit, Monica, Cebolinha, Woodstock, Trix Rabbit and Daroach goes to the river. Cynical Rabbit throws the poisionous pizza into the river)
Cynical Rabbit: Done, I threw the poisionous pizza into the river.
Woodstock: We finally defeated Ganondorf! Now whatcha we shoulda do?
Ceboliha: Let's party for Ganondorf's defeat!
Cynical Rabbit: That's a good idea! Let's party!
Monica: Hooray! We saved from Ganondorf's evil plans!
Cebolinha: We triumph together for Ganondorf's defeat!
Woodstock: The world is finally peace at last!
Trix Rabbit: Finally, the world is back again!
Daroach: I am very grateful about Ganondorf's defeat.
Chuck E Cheese: What should we do! Let's all party together!
Cynical Rabbit: That's right! Let's party together!
(Cynical Rabbit, Monica, Cebolinha, Woodstock, Trix Rabbit and Daroach has a party, they all happy because Ganondorf is defeated and all the characters Medieval Environment Scenery lives happily ever after)
(The ending. The sun is setting down in the Medieval Environmental Scenery)
Narrator: Playtime is over! Playtime is over! Playtime is over!
Monica: Yeah! We should always stay together as a group. We won, finally!
Trix Rabbit: This is truly the best day of our lives! After all, we have made Hyrule a better place without a dangerous person in it!
Cynical Rabbit: Not the Hyrule, but actually it's the Medieval Environmental Scenery! See? All of this place looks like the medieval times, it looks like kind of Dragon's Lair game!
Trix Rabbit: Oh, look at that! You're right! This is the medieval scenery! I have to say this really does look like a Dragon's Lair game! I have never seen a Medieval Environmental Scenery with dragons though, but I guess there's a first time for everything! I'm sure we will see a dragon at least once eventually!
Monica: Yeah, I guess so. This is the best place to celebrate our victory. We can enjoy this view with our friends, our group!
Cebolinha: I've got to say, this is a great place where we're having our celebration! I just wish we didn't have to go, because this medieval scenery is beautiful!
Woodstock: It really is the perfect place to celebrate. All this medieval scenery really adds to the atmosphere! I wish we could stay here forever!
Daroach: I must say that this medieval environmental scenery is probably the most beautiful scenery I have ever seen! It is certainly where we should celebrate with our friends, as it adds to the joy we have by finally defeating Ganondorf.
Chuck E Cheese: You know, something is telling me a dragon is going to show up. It's going to get really wild around here!
Cynical Rabbit: Yeah, it sure is, but now the dragon doesn't show up because the sun is going down.
Chuck E Cheese: Well, there's always tomorrow.... I just hope that the dragon is friendly. I don't want any of us to be eaten.
Cynical Rabbit: In this Medieval Environmental Scenery, there's only unfriendly dragons. I hope we can fight the dragons tomorrow...
Cebolinha: Well, you never know. The dragon might be friendly. After all, not all dragons are evil, I'm sure there's a possibility at some point we might get a guardian dragon, which means we won't be attacked.
Cynical Rabbit: Ooo... you're right! I believe in you but the Guardian Dragons never appear here in the Medieval Enviromental Scenery...
Cebolinha: Well, maybe not the Guardian dragons but maybe we will find at least ONE friendly dragon tomorrow! We shouldn't rule it out completely, after all!
Monica: Yeah, right! There might be a chance that there will be one friendly dragon who will help us fight the other dragons.
Cynical Rabbit: Ok, so, let's end this episode with the peaceful ending, shall we?
Monica: Yes! Now let's get some rest. I feel a little sleepy.
Trix Rabbit: I agree with that. We have been through a lot, and we deserve a good rest after this long day of making the world a better place.
Cebolinha: Alright, let us gather up the others and fall asleep right now! It's been a long day, after all. We need a good rest.
Woodstock: I agree. It's been a long hard day, and now I'm quite tired and ready for a nice peaceful rest. I can't wait to get in bed.
Daroach: Good idea. We should all head back to our homes and get our much-needed rest.
Chuck E Cheese: I don't think I've ever been so excited for bed.
Narrator: Say bye-bye, Joselle the Wicked.
Cynical Rabbit: Bye-bye, may you see us again soon!
Monica: Goodbye! Sleep well and sweet dreams!
Trix Rabbit: Goodnight, everybody! See you tomorrow!
Cebolinha: Good night everyone! Sleep well!
Woodstock: Good night, everyone. May the dreams always be in this group's favour!
Daroach: Good night! Sweet dreams to all!
Chuck E Cheese: Good night! May we find peace in our sleep and dream of good things!
(Farewell song sung by Gregory Gorzow)
It's the end for today
But we sing just one more song
This adventure was fun
Hope you can remember it
Thank you for joining our friends in this show
We hope we see you again
We're looking forward for you
We hope we see you again
We're looking forward for you
(The sun in the Medieval Environment Scenery completely sets down and the episode fades out to black)
Joselle as herself
Monica Sousa and Cebolinha by Mauricio de Sousa
Trix Rabbit by Trix, General Mills
Woodstock by Charles Schulz
Daroach by Nintendo
Ganondorf by Nintendo
Chuck E Cheese by Chuck E Cheese
(Meanwhile, a mockup version of Cynical Rabbit/ Joselle the wicked walks and looks at the audience and walks away, then the cover book closes, showing "Joselle in Fantasyland" logo)

Moloyah 2024
Animated in Sneyapovul.

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