Episode 4 - Little Miss Muffet

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Narrator: Meanwhile, in Riksland, something strange is coming...
(Monica comes into the Medieval Environment Scenery. Monica looks for anything strange)
Narrator: Little Miss Muffet, sat on a tuffet, eating her curds and whey.
Monica: Little Miss Muffet, is that you? Why are you sitting on a tuffet and eating only curds and whey?
Miss Muffet: Because I like to sit there to feel the wind breeze and I eat curds and whey for lunch...
Narrator: Little Miss Muffet, sat on a tuffet, eating her curds and whey.
Monica: Oh, well that is a very good reason to sit on a tuffet! But why are you alone in the Medieval Environment?
Miss Muffet: Because in Medieval Environment Scenery I found a very comfortable accent and the scenery here is nice...
Narrator: Along came a spider...
(A spider appears)
Monica: Oh no! A spider!
Narrator: Who sat down beside her.
Miss Muffet: Aaaahhh!!!
Narrator: And frightened Miss Muffet away.
(Miss Muffet runs from the spider)
Monica: Oh no! The spider frightened Miss Muffet away. Why did the spider do such a thing? He has ruined Miss Muffet's lunch time.
(Upon Miss Muffet's running, Trix Rabbit found her while Miss Muffet is running)
Trix Rabbit: Hey there little lady. Are you a bunny like me?
Miss Muffet: I'm not a rabbit. I'm a girl. I'm looking forward a tuffet but I'm afraid the spider will haunt me...
Trix Rabbit: Aww that's too bad. It seems like Miss Muffet already ate all of her lunch...
Miss Muffet: Well, not yet. I haven't eat my curds and whey yet.
Trix Rabbit: Oh, well this scenery is pretty spooky and weird here. Why is there a spider, but there is also a little bunny there? What type of spider is sitting on the tuffet? Why should a spider be sitting on a ruffet anyways?
Miss Muffet: I don't know, this scenery is quite unique.
Trix Rabbit: And why do the clouds look like they are made out of fluff? This really is a weird place. I feel like it may be a place for nightmares.
Miss Muffet: No, these aren't made out of fluff. These are real clouds. It looks like kind of medieval clouds.
Trix Rabbit: Well, why are they white and fluffy like fluff? These clouds don't look like normal clouds. I don't get it. What are these weird clouds supposed to be? Are they fluffy white clouds? They look kind of creepy and scary...
Miss Muffet: It's not a fluffy cloud, it's just a realistic cloud. It's not creepy and scary, it looks beatiful.
Trix Rabbit: I don't see how they are cute and beautiful. They look like they should belong in a scary movie.
(The rabbit pops out in the tuffet that Little Miss Muffet sit)
A rabbit: What is this? It looks like a wolf spider.
Trix Rabbit: Wow that is really scary! Why would a spider want to be around here? I am not sure I like this spider at all. It looks really evil...
A rabbit: It really is! I know how to get rid of this spider.
(The rabbit kills the spider by cutting his web and stomping him)
Trix Rabbit: I think that was good. I would not like to see that spider again. It gave me creepy vibes...
Miss Muffet: Thank you so much for getting rid of the spider, little rabbit.
A rabbit: No problem, I'm always here to help.
Trix Rabbit: This place is so much better without that spider. I feel like a little weight has been lifted off of my shoulders...
Miss Muffet: Yes, it is, now my fear is gone.
(Little Miss Muffet sits down on the tuffet again)
Miss Muffet: Don't worry, I'll be fine. I will eat my lunch now.
Trix Rabbit: What a good little girl. I am glad you are feeling better. You may eat your lunch now. I will not bother you while you do so.
Miss Muffet: Thank you so much, Trix Rabbit.
(Little Miss Muffet continues to eat her curds and whey. After Trix Rabbit is gone, Woodstock flies to her)
Woodstock: What a yummy looking lunch for Little Miss Muffet she is having. I should like to have some of that. Little Miss Muffet, would you mind sharing with just a little ol' Woodstock like me?
Narrator: Little Miss Muffet, sat on a tuffet, eating her curds and whey.
Little Miss Muffet: Of course! It is one of my favorite meal!
Woodstock: Oh, I would really like that. I love curd and whey. It is my favorite meal too. I just can't resist. This is why everyone always calls me a snack addict.
(Little Miss Muffet and Woodstock shares her curds and whey and eats it together)
Narrator: Little Miss Muffet, sat on a tuffet, eating her curds and whey.
Woodstock: Thank you so much Little Miss Muffet. You are very kind to share your lunch with me. This curds and whey is so delicious.
Little Miss Muffet: Yeah, I always will not hesitate to share my meal to everyone.
Narrator: Along came a spider...
(The spider of a different breed appears)
Woodstock: Oh, a spider! I hate spiders! Why do they always seem to like to ruin lunch for people. I hate when that happens.
Miss Muffet: Oh no! Not the little spider again! I must run away from this spider!
Narrator: Who sat down beside her, and frighten Miss Muffet away.
(Little Miss Muffet runs away)
Miss Muffet: Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
Woodstock: Oh no! Little Miss Muffet! Run away! Run away! The spider wants to hurt you!
Little Miss Muffet: Oh no, I must find another tuffet to eat my curds and whey.
Daroach: I am the leader of the Squeaks, also known as the Squeak Squad. I'm a bit of a mischevious bandit, and won't hesitate to steal something if its value is high. That spider and little Miss Muffet sure did run off fast, huh Woodstock?
Woodstock: That is true, Daroach. That spider sure did scare her away. I do not like spiders either. He freaks me out and I don't know why he likes to ruin everyone's lunch.
Daroach: That spider is a menace to the community and we will have to do something about him. I have a plan.
Woodstock: Oh, what do you have in mind, Daroach?
Daroach: I am going to sneak up behind the spider and cut its web and he will fall to his death.
Woodstock: Wow, what a good plan. That spider deserves to fall to its death after scaring away Miss Muffet like that.
Miss Muffet: Are you sure you are going to save me?
Daroach: I assure you little Miss Muffet that I am the type of mouse that always gets the job done and you will be safe.
Little Miss Muffet: Thank you so much! I hope your plan will done quick.
(A huntsman spider is still hanging with his spider web in the place Little Miss Muffet sit. Daroach sneaks the tree that the spider hangs)
A huntsman spider: I like to scare everyone, hehehe...
(Daroach appears in front of the huntsman spider)
Daroach: There is the spider! I am coming for you spider!
A huntsman spider: Aaah! Someone's about to kill me!
(The huntsman spider runs away)
Daroach: He he he! Yes, we caught that nasty little spider! His reign of terror will come to an end.
A huntsman spider: Let out of me or I will bite you!
Daroach: I'm afraid I cannot do that my little spider. You have been a bad spider and I will have to put an end to your wicked ways.
A huntsman spider: Oh no... so that means... I will be killed!!!
Daroach: That is correct my little spider. Do not be afraid. I will make this as quick and painless for you as I can.
A huntsman spider: So, what punishment will you give for me?
Daroach: You will be killed, I'm afraid little spider.
A huntsman spider: Noooooooooo!!!
(Daroach kills the spider by using his claws. The huntsman spider is dead)
Daroach: There, that nasty little spider is no more.
Little Miss Muffet: Thank you so much for getting rid of the spider, Daroach!
Daroach: You are welcome little Miss Muffet. My job is done here and I am pleased to have been helpful to you.
Woodstock: This has been a good day. Little Miss Muffet is now safe. We made it a better place!
Little Miss Muffet: Well, it's time for me to sit on the tuffet again.
(Miss Muffet sits on the tuffet again)
Daroach: That is good Miss Muffet. You should be feeling safe at this point in time now that that nasty spider is gone.
Woodstock: Yes, Miss Muffet. That spider is gone and no longer around here anymore. You should be able to sit at the tuffet in peace again.
Little Miss Muffet: Yes. Now I'm going to eat my favorite meal until the bowl is empty.
(After Daroach and Woodstock is gone...)
Narrator: Little Miss Muffet, sat on a tuffet, eating her curds and whey.
(Chuck E' Cheese pops out of nowhere)
Chuck E': Hey, Miss Muffet! Can I have some of that delicious curds and whey?
Miss Muffet: Sure! You may eat my curds and whey!
Narrator: Little Miss Muffet, sat on a tuffet, eating her curds and whey.
(Chuck E' Cheese starts chugging the curds and whey down quickly)
Chuck E': Mmmm! That tastes so good! Oh, Miss Muffet, I wish I had this all the time instead of those pizzas they serve at my restaurant!

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