Part 1

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" Enough Marie! Stop begging me, I'm already sick of seeing your face and that useless brother of yours! I regret having children like you both. Children who bring no benefit, just added burden! " the dream haunting Marie Anne Steinfield once again since their mother, who should have been their protector and comfort, left her and her brother when they were young.

" Do you still remember her? " a voice snapped Marie out of her reverie.

" It doesn't feel like it's been 10 years since we were left like this, " Marie said with a somewhat sad tone.

" Sis, it's better for us to be left alone than to live in suffering with her, " said a guy named Santiago or Yago. " Every day we were beaten, insulted, and humiliated. Have you forgotten what she did to us? " Yago added, sighing heavily. He couldn't understand his sister's longing for a mother who never wanted them.

" I never forget what she did to us, I'm also angry and hate her but on the other hand, I... I miss her, I want her back, I can't deny my feelings even though my heart says I hate her a thousand times, " Marie said again, feeling conflicted when thinking about her mother. She felt anger and hatred towards her mother but at the same time she longed for and loved the woman, that's what made her dilemma because no matter how evil the woman was to both of them, she was still their birth mother.

" It's up to you, but just so you know, you're never alone, me, Grandpa, and Aunt Mediha are always here for you, " Yago said, encouraging Marie as he placed a hand on his sister's shoulder.

" Thank you, Yago, you're always there for me, you've been taking care of me since we were little, you're the best brother in the world and I'm so grateful to have a brother like you, " Marie smiled sweetly, praising Santiago Elvis Steinfield.

" You're being too dramatic, sis! Anyway, let's go to school now, I'm afraid we'll be late and it will be a hassle if we're scolded by Miss Julia, my reputation as the most handsome student council president in school will be ruined! " Santiago chattered as he approached his motorcycle.

" Such confidence! By the way, do you want me to ride your motorcycle or should I ride behind you? " Marie asked.

" What kind of question is that?! I'm not letting you ride my motorcycle, you'll end up taking me not to school but to the hospital, hurry up and get on! " Santiago snapped, and Marie climbed onto the motorcycle with a sulky and pouty expression.

" Are you two ready to leave already? Won't you have breakfast with me and Aunt Mediha first? She's already waiting in the dining room, " said an old man who suddenly emerged from the large house.

" No grandpa, we're already late, " Marie and Santiago answered in unison.

" Well, in that case, be careful. Yago, take good care of Marie and don't ride too fast! " The old man advised Santiago as Santiago just smiled and gave a salute.

" Got it grandpa! " Santiago said.

" Grandpa, Yago and I will leave now, bye! " Marie said, bidding farewell to her grandpa.

" Bye, " replied the grandpa.


Marie's Point Of View.

Yago and I arrived safely at school, Yago is parking his motorbike at the designated parking area while I head straight to class without waiting for Yago. I can't stand walking with him as he always talks nonsense, it's better if I go alone, so I won't get annoyed. If I walk with him, all the flirty girls will notice us, it's awkward!

" Hey blondie, just arrived? " asked that annoying girl Rita, I mean Rita Amelia, my partner in crime haha.

" What's up, annoying one? " I asked as I approached Rita who was sitting comfortably on her chair.

" Nothing babe, chill. Oh by the way, can I borrow your math formula? Have you finished making the formulas? " asked Rita with a pleading face, that's typical of her when she wants something.

" Oh, I brought my book with me, I've finished it, " I casually replied.

" I didn't ask if you brought it or not, I asked if I can borrow it! Are you deaf or what?! " asked Rita, the loudmouth, it's getting annoying dealing with someone like her. Without wasting time, I handed the book to Rita, not giving it to her, just lending it for a while so she won't keep babbling and blaming the subject, I don't want to hear it.

" Here's the book, just borrow it for a while, okay? Don't keep it too long! " I said to Rita.

" Okay, after this, I'll give it back to you, thanks for lending it to me, " Rita said, then she added, " I don't know, I just don't understand this subject at all, I've never understood it from the beginning, I think I chose the wrong subject! " See, she's blaming the subject again.

" Blimey, you've been a right dimwit all along, turns out you're just blabbering instead of focusing on the task at hand! " Well, that wasn't me saying it, swear!

Rita and I immediately glanced over at the person who dared to pick a fight with Rita, turns out it was that big mouth Justin.

" What did you say?! Hey, listen here, as dim as I may be, I was the number 1 champion in an international quiz competition back in elementary school! What do you have? Just a basketball champion! " Rita said with a tone of disdain towards Justin Rodriguez.

" Are you insulting me?! " Justin asked, his anger clearly ignited by Rita's words.

" Yes, so what?! " Rita replied loudly, sounding like she was challenging him to a fight. Honestly, I was getting a headache seeing the situation escalate like this, not that I was scared, I just didn't like tense situations.

" Hey, hey, hey! Why are you fighting? This is a school for learning to become smart, not a place for arguing vouth, " I said, trying to calm down the bickering between the big mouth and the loudmouth.

" Mouth, the stutterer! Not vouth!!! " Justin and Rita said in unison. Bloody hell! They both called me a stutterer, making me annoyed.

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