Part 2

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" It's up to you two, loudmouth and big mouth! Just keep fighting, I pray that you two end up together, amen... " I said as I watched them both, haha I'm finally satisfied.

" Damn you! " Justin and Rita cursed at me in unison, throwing a pen and chalk eraser at me until they hit my face, oh how annoying these loudmouth and big mouth are! Since when did the chalk eraser come into play with the big mouth?

" Ouch, that hurts, loudmouth, big mouth! " I complained.

" Serve you right! " The loudmouth retorted, looking quite satisfied. Just wait and see Rita and Justin...I'll get back at you two later.

" Hey Marie, do you know who the substitute teacher for Ms. Arianna is? " Justin the big mouth asked. I didn't understand what he meant, who is Ms. Arianna? There are many teachers here named Ms. Arianna, there's Ms. Arianna who teaches math, there's Ms. Arianna the strict guidance counselor, and there's also Ms. Arianna who teaches physics. So which one?

" Which Ms. Arianna, big mouth? There are many Ms. Arianna here! " I replied casually.

" I mean Ms. Arianna who teaches physics, she's already left this school! " Justin said, it seems like his annoyance has started to fade.

" If it's about that, I don't know, I'm also curious about who the substitute teacher for Ms. Arianna is, " I answered honestly because I really didn't know about it.

" Oh yeah, I heard that the substitute teacher is a 24-year-old guy who graduated from a prestigious university in London, " Rita said, " I forgot which university he graduated from. But that's not important, what's important is that he's cool, rich, and extremely handsome like your ex, Marie, " Rita added. Damn! She just mentioned my ex who I've been trying so hard to forget for three years.

" You ever been in a relationship? " Justin asked me with his mouth wide open, really wanting an explanation from me.


A young man with blue eyes was busy fiddling with his phone while looking at a photo of a girl wearing a pink blouse and skirt standing by the beach. There was an indescribable feeling on the man's face, unbeknownst to him, someone was standing behind him also looking at the photo of the girl on the man's phone.

" Is the girl in the phone a student in this school? What's the connection between this new teacher and that girl? Could she be his sister?! " the person thought to herself.

" My love, where are you? I miss you, forgive me for not maintaining our relationship properly, " the man said in his heart, " I hope you stay healthy and live long until I meet you again, " he thought again in his heart.

" Ahem, excuse me, Mr. Adrian Stefano, here is the class list you requested earlier, " the person said to divert the blue-eyed man's gaze from the photo of the girl on his phone.

" Oh, thank you, Ms. Laura Lockwood, " Adrian Stefano Highmore, the full name of the blue-eyed man, said.

" I'm sorry for being intrusive earlier by looking at your phone, but it was unintentional, may I know who the girl is? " the woman asked, very curious and wanting to know about other people's business.

" She's the love of my life! " Adrian Stefano answered flatly.

" Oh, I'll excuse myself then, Mr., " Ms. Laura Lockwood quickly excused herself. After Ms. Laura Lockwood left, Mr. Adrian Stefano Highmore began to check the list of his students' names one by one until his eyes landed on this one name...


A very familiar name to Adrian Stefano, he truly missed this name. It had been three years since he last saw this name, and now this name appeared as his potential student.

" Is this really you? " Adrian Stefano pondered. To confirm whether the girl was the one he loved or not, he finally decided to go to that class.


" Ye...yes, but that was in the past, now I'm happily single, " Marie said with a cheeky smile.

" Oh come on, happily single my foot?! I don't see any happiness in you! " Rita teased Marie while finishing a math formula.

" You're so noisy, loudmouth, focus on the task! " Justin grumbled like a mother.

" Alright, I'm focusing now! " Rita replied, unwilling to be scolded by the big mouth. Unbeknownst to the three of them, a man was making his way towards their classroom.

" Good morning, students! " The blue-eyed teacher entered the classroom with an air of handsomeness and charisma.

" Good morning, sir...Marie, what a small world! Oh my goodness! " Rita exclaimed hysterically after seeing who their teacher was. Mr. Adrian Stefano was also surprised to see these two, while Justin just stared like an idiot. Meanwhile, Marie remained frozen, her heart constricted as she saw this handsome man, as if the wound in her heart had been reopened due to past events.

" You?! " Marie exclaimed, shocked to see Adrian Stefano standing before her.

" Marie? " Adrian Stefano also exclaimed, equally shocked to see the person he longed for turn out to be his own student, never imagining he would meet Marie again as a teacher and student after three years of their breakup.

" Have you two met before? " Justin asked innocently.

" More than just met! They used to date before, " Rita answered Justin's question, but her answer earned a sharp look from Marie, causing Rita to feel a bit uncomfortable.

" Oh really? " Justin said again.

" Shut it, big mouth! " This time, Rita told Justin to be quiet.

" How are you, Marie? " Adrian Stefano asked Marie awkwardly.

" What do you think? Do I look like I'm not okay? " Marie replied sarcastically to Adrian Stefano.

" Not like that, I hope you're okay, " Adrian Stefano said, then he looked at Justin and Rita who were there. " Where are the other students? " Adrian Stefano asked them.

" They haven't arrived yet, " Rita answered with a smile.

" Excuse me, may I know your name? Are you our class teacher who will replace Ms. Arianna who teaches physics? " Justin asked Adrian Stefano out of curiosity.

" I am Adrian Stefano Highmore, just call me Mr. Adrian. Yes, I am your new class teacher, I will be teaching you all Physics starting from now, " Adrian Stefano Highmore replied at length to answer Justin Rodriguez's question. Then Adrian Stefano Highmore was seen walking towards the teacher's desk in front of the class and sat there, Marie, Rita, and Justin also sat in their seats. They were all waiting for the other students to enter the class to start the physics lesson that morning.

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