Part 4

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It's time to go home from school now, Marie is walking home alone. Marie tried to call her grandpa and aunt to ask one of them to pick her up from school but no one answered her call, meanwhile Rita was picked up by her dad so Marie felt hesitant to ask them to send her home. So, whether she liked it or not, Marie had to walk home, and she didn't have extra money to call a taxi. It's really sad, isn't it?

" What's my luck today, I called grandpa and Aunt Mediha but no one answered. Where could they have gone? Surely their phones can't be out of battery?! " Marie grumbled. " I want to call a cab to come and pick me up but I don't have much money, I regret not bringing more money earlier, my luck is really sad today! " she said.

As Marie was lost in her thoughts while walking, suddenly a yellow Volkswagen car stopped beside her. Marie was curious about who the owner of the yellow Volkswagen was.

" Hey, whose car is this that stopped next to me? " Marie said. A few minutes later, the owner of the car rolled down the window, and it turned out that the owner of the yellow Volkswagen was Adrian Stefano Highmore.

" It's him again! " Marie thought to herself, feeling annoyed to face the guy who had broken her heart before.

" Hi, walking alone, are you? " Adrian Stefano Highmore asked Marie.

" Do you see anyone else with me? " Marie retorted to Adrian.

" Yes, I see a ghost next to you! " Adrian Stefano Highmore replied sarcastically, irritated with Marie's remarks. He asked nicely but was met with sarcasm from the immature girl.

" Don't be ridiculous, there are no ghosts in broad daylight! " Marie said firmly. " Why are you greet me? " the girl asked again.

" Why shouldn't I greet my former girlfriend? " Adrian said, intentionally trying to evoke memories of their past together.

" Former girlfriend, huh! " Marie said, feeling sick to her stomach at the words 'former girlfriend' coming out of Adrian Stefano Highmore's mouth.

" I actually accidentally saw you walking alone here, you look tired. Let me take you home! " Adrian said again, Marie raising her brow as her heard his offer.

" What dream are you suddenly wanting to take me home? " Marie asked.

" Do you want to get in or not? If you don't want to go back in my car, it's okay, I just pity you, " Adrian said. Marie looked like she was thinking for a moment.

" Okay, I'll go with you, but don't do anything weird to me, or see this?! " Marie said, showing her fists.

" Alright, " Adrian replied, surrender. Marie then opened the back door of Adrian Stefano Highmore's yellow Volkswagen, intending to sit in the back because she didn't want to sit next to Adrian.

" Hey, what are you sitting in the back for? Do you think I'm your chauffeur? Sit in the front here next to me! " Adrian Stefano Highmore said sternly, making Marie sit next to him even though she felt annoyed with her former boyfriend who had now become her teacher.

" Are you satisfied now? " Marie asked, glaring at him and shutting the car door.

" Like that, my student. Students should listen to the teacher, do as I say without questioning, understood? " Adrian said with a victorious smile.

" Hmm! " that's all Marie could say now because she was too tired to talk to the most annoying person next to her. Adrian then drove his car.

As he drove, Adrian couldn't stop glancing at Marie, who had been silent the whole time. Marie noticed Adrian staring at her and immediately felt uncomfortable.

" What are you looking at? " Marie said, irritated.

" Nothing! " Adrian replied. " Marie, can you please stop raising your voice at me? I am your teacher, please don't be rude to me, show some respect! " Adrian reprimanded.

" Okay, Sir Adrian Stefano Highmore, next time I won't raise my voice at you again, okay? " Marie said, rolling her eyes in disgust.

" That's how it is, my student! " Adrian said.

" Oh, please! Teacher and student, huh! Disgusting! " Marie said.

" Marie, " Adrian called the girl.

" What? " Marie asked, with a sour face.

" I want to apologize for what happened before, " Adrian said, his face looked sad now.

" It's too late! " Marie said coldly.

" Do you not want to hear my explanation? " Adrian asked Marie.

" I DON'T WANT! " said Marie firmly because she didn't want to hear any more excuses from her former boyfriend, she didn't want her heart to be hurt by him again.

" Why? "Adrian asked again because he didn't understand why Marie didn't want to hear his explanation.

" Why? Because your explanation is no longer important to me, and you are with someone else now! " Marie said firmly.

" Marie, you misunderstood, I haven't engaged with her and I don't belong to anyone until now, " Adrian said.

" Enough, I don't want to hear your explanation. I'm hitching a ride in your car because I want to get home quickly. My house is far and I don't want my feet to ache if I walk back, I'm hitching a ride in your car not because I want to hear your explanation. I have forgotten everything that happened between us before, including our relationship, understand? " Marie said at length, making Adrian silent and slightly hurt.

" You have the heart to forget all the memories about us and our relationship, " Adrian said to Marie.

" What do you mean by that? You're the one who ended our relationship and left me for that girl! " Marie retorted firmly and emphatically, not wanting to give Adrian any chance to talk about herself. " And now you say I have the heart to forget all the memories about us and our relationship? Who has the heart here, Adrian? Me or you? " Marie said again.

" I know I was wrong, I apologize, " said Adrian with regret. " Besides, at that time I had to choose her because my grandma really wanted to see me engaged to Marissa then, " Adrian said again.

" Well, maybe those are just excuses you're giving me so I'll accept you back, right? " Marie said, not believing what Adrian was saying.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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