Chapter Eighteen

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Victoria groaned laying her head flat against her textbook. Angelina chuckled as she lightly patted her head. "How you holding up girl?" Angelina teased.

Victoria rolled her eyes with a hint of a smile. "I'm not ready for finals," she said.

"Well maybe you should have studied more with us rather then hanging out with the baseball team," Conrad said, never removing his eyes from his textbook.

Victoria scrunched up her nose and leaned forward. "Hey, remember when Angelina slapped the shit out of you at the New Year's party, Connie? Now that was a moment," she said, smirking.

Angelina shook her head at the two. It had been a rather confusing and interesting last five months. Conrad kissed her at midnight on New Year's which led to Angelina slapping and not speaking to Conrad for a few weeks.

They argued for weeks and Victoria had the satisfaction of slamming their dorm room door on his face a couple of times. Conrad tried to say he was drunk, which he was but Angelina didn't believe in a pathetic excuse like that. Angelina didn't know how else she can explain to Conrad that she didn't see him as anything more than a best friend.

And as frustrated as she was with Conrad for being so stupid that night, Angelina was even more frustrated with Jeremiah. Once again, Jeremiah completely just cut her out his life. After New Year's, Angelina tried FaceTiming and send Jeremiah a couple texts and he would be short or vague just saying 'I'm busy'.

A part of her understood why Jeremiah was behaving that way because he was taking care of his mom. But it still hurt that he wasn't willing to communicate with her, instead Jeremiah just decided to cut her off.

Angelina decided to give him a little space but after almost three weeks of the same treatment, she decided she was done with it. So she stopped reaching out to Jeremiah. And once her texts stopped, so did his. Angelina can feel when she's not wanted and for some reason, Jeremiah decided that, again.

"Can you please not bring that up again?" Conrad said.

Victoria gave Conrad a teasing smile. "Bring what up?" She said tapping her finger against her chin as she pretend to act confused. "Oh-you mean the time Angelina slapped you for being an idiot?"

Conrad groaned as Angelina laughed. Conrad turned to look at her with a pleading look and Angelina simply shrugged her shoulders. "You had it coming, Con," Angelina said.

Angelina felt a bit of a rush from when she slapped Conrad after he kissed her without her consent. She was tired of the Fisher boys always acting on impulse and not taking into account her own feelings.

These past few months she had slowly began to love herself again without the distraction from the Fisher boys. After her dad's funeral, Angelina was a mess. The words her own mother said to her left her shattered and unwanted. She felt like no one could ever love her.

Angelina felt so alone without having any family nearby. But slowly, she began to accept the help from others around her. Especially the help from the Tello's. Julian and Cristian Tello have been like family to her. Angelina has know them since she was a baby and it wasn't until now that made her realize how big of a role they have played in her life.

Angelina heard Conrad's cell phone start to ring and she noticed his body slightly tense. She raised an eyebrow at him but Conrad just quietly excused himself.

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