Chapter 1 - Alban

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I sat down angrily and waited for my "date". My father had brought me another suitor. How annoying is that? I waited impatiently as I watched her enter the restaurant, taking a seat neatly and carefully as she sat up straight with a small smile on her face while her face was flustered. I rolled my eyes and addressed her.

“I don’t want you to be my beau. I don’t want YOU meddling in my life, and I don’t care how much my father pays you to agree to do this, but can you please leave? I don’t want to see you or your face ever again…. Do you understand me? Do we agree?”, I spoke without mercy and without any pause, my face without any hint of hesitation or regret. I looked at her, and she trembled with fear, she nodded her head, stood up quickly, bowed to me and left as quickly as she had come.

Of course. Since I am the Prince of Rairenth, my father, the King, wants me… ME… to... have a wife… but these girls are not my interest. I say this is a waste of time...

I got up from my seat, went to the cashier, paid for my food and thanked him with a bow. Likewise, I saw him bow to me. I smiled, walked away and looked at Igor Sergeev. The only person I despise... apart from my father, who is second on my list, he is the one I hated the most. I walked quickly to avoid him and waited for him to open the car door while I stood there waiting impatiently with my hands in my pockets.

When he opened the door with his cold gaze, I got into the car and didn't talk to him while he drove back to the palace. When I got home, I waited until he opened the car door, then I went into the palace and stormed towards my father.

I opened the door forcefully and stormed towards him, angrily addressing him, "Why did you give me a beau in the first place? You know I don't want one! I never wanted one! I know you paid her! But please, father... Let me live my life for once!" I begged my father and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind me.

I walked towards my father's study, the door in front of me opened, and my eyes widened, and I wondered who the hell was in my father's study? It wasn't until I saw Igor Sergeev... I gave him a cold glare at him as I crossed my arms.

"What the hell are you doing in my father's study?" I hissed at him, eyeing him up and down with a suspiciously raised eyebrow to see through his cold... Emotionless... A robot that he is...

He looked at me, unimpressed by my question, and spoke unimpressed by my presence. He looked at me sharply and understandingly before he spoke. "I could ask you the same, Your Highness." He scoffed at 'Your Highness' while rolling his eyes. Even though he shows no emotion and looks like a statue, I know he's mocking me. I just know it.

"And why should I tell you that, hmm? As if you care, goody-two shoes whose outfit looks soooooooo simple... All the fucking time!" I scoffed and gave him a mocking grin. I saw him roll his eyes, and as I scanned him, I realised that he was slowly losing his composure. He was leaning against the wall next to my father's study.

“Do you have any idea how hard it is to look like this? That you are expected to look like this all the time? My own outfit is perfect, down to the last button. Your whole being is a disgrace to me!” he snaps. Slowly, his true self emerges from the cold robot that he is.

I grinned as I looked at his angry self and scoffed, “At least I look better than you. All the girls love me. They'd want to get together with me... Unlike you. You’re just a lowlife trying to get my dad to like you more than me.”

I stepped closer to him, looked at him with my cold gaze and said coldly, “Isn’t that true, Sergeev?” I gave him a playful grin and saw the horror and anger in his eyes. I also took a step back and put my hands in my pockets to hold on to this rare moment. I saw his eyes flinch at my words. I had finally found a weak spot in him: I had hurt his pride and his ego. Perfect. His face turned as red as a tomato with anger at my words.

“Low-life? LOW-LIFE?!”, he sounds extremely pissed off as he stormed towards me. I couldn’t help but laugh at his anger. He stood in front of me and I could smell his perfume. Blu de Chanel. It’s expensive perfume. In fact, everything he wears is expensive, from his watch all the way to his shoes. He stared at me with fire in his eyes.

“You want to know why you are so much worse than me? Why you are inferior? Maybe that’s why your father doesn’t love you! And maybe that’s why he favours me more than you”, he spoke with a small smirk on his face. My eyes widened with anger as I grit my jaw tightly. I clenched my fists tightly and punched him in the face as hard as I could, I saw him stumbled back and fell to the ground holding his face and looked up at me with a cut on his face. He was bleeding... He. Was. Bleeding. I didn’t mean to punch him that hard... I took a step back and ran towards my room in fear and shut the door behind me and locked it. I sat on my bed, rethinking what I just did to Igor...

A few hours later, I quietly opened the door and checked the halls if there was anyone. I slowly walked out of my room and shut my room door quietly as I walked the palace halls quietly with a hooded-cape on me. I quickly walked outside as to not get caught by the guards for sneaking out of the palace. I slowly opened the gate and I hailed a taxi to go to a nearby village and took off my hood. I walked freely in the village with a warm smile on my face and headed towards the orphanage. I saw one of the kids, and she shouted my fake name loudly, “Rey is here! Brother Rey is here!”

I chuckled and smiled at her way of saying my name, and I kneeled down and opened my hands wide open for the kids to hug me. The children quickly rushed towards me and hugged me tightly till we all fell to the ground and we laughed together.

“I have presents! Everyone, line up, and I’ll hand them out to you!”, I said with a smile on my face and took out presents according to them lining up. Finally, it was the young girl's turn. “Here you go Fifi... A princess colouring book just for you!” I handed her the colouring book, and she took it and hugged it and gave me the cutest smile I have ever seen. I gave her a warm smile and patted her head.

“I know you want to be a princess... So... I got you a colouring book so that you could colour your heart out”, I chuckled and hugged her tightly. I pulled away from the hug and stood up and walked towards their ‘mother’. I gave her a smile and walked towards her office, and she shuts the door behind me and spoke softly.

“You don't have to do this, Your Highness... I say these kids-”

I interrupted her suddenly, “How long does she have left? I’m just... worried about her health, ma’am...” I looked out of the window with the kids playing with their new toys, and I looked at ‘mother’ worriedly.

“About 3 weeks... her health is worsening, Your Highness”, ‘mother’ spoke as she handed me a cup of tea. I took the tea and looked into the cup with regrets and cried softly. ‘Mother’ stood beside me and put my head against her and hugged me as I cried softly onto her. I hugged her tightly as I remembered the fun times I had with Fifi... I couldn’t believe she’s going to be gone soon... I got up as I wiped my tears away and handed her back the cup of tea and looked at her with a bit of sadness in my eyes. It was almost sunset, I gave her a nod and say goodbye to the kids.

“Bye Brother Rey!”, Fifi shouted as she waved at me. I chuckled and smiled warmly and walked to a nearby taxi stand and got into one taxi and went back to the palace with sadness in my eyes.

I slowly walked back to the gate and as I was trying to open the gate, it was locked. I tried multiple time to get it unlocked, but it did not work. I kicked the gate with force and the gate rattled. I sat outside the gate waiting for someone to unlock the door, I closed my eyes for a while and I woke up in my room? I quickly sat up and looked at my surroundings, trying to process what happened just now. Who brought me in? I could’ve sworn I was outside just now...

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