Chapter 23

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Bella's POV*

"Come back here right now!" Harry shouted at me while slamming the front door closed.

"No" I mumbled loud enough so he could here me, I continued walking to my room with my things in hand. I knew I was walking on tin ice with harry while doing this but he had no right to do what he did to me. I'm my own person who can make my own decisions without having to explain myself to anyone, I'm 18 god damn it!
I was at a coffee shop with a friend of Liam's, he  introduced me to him last week, he was a nice fellow, very attractive and funny. He texted me two days ago and asked if we could grab some coffee sometime, just me and him, I gladly accepted his offer. Harry went out this afternoon and I didn't get to tell him I was going out so I just left and texted him about 30 minutes into my get together with Marcus. I was having such a good time with him until Harry came in, he rudely interrupted and told me we had to go. When I asked why he got upset saying because he said so, do you know how embarrassing that was? Marcus tried taking up for me telling Harry he had no right to treat me that way, Harry got even more upset. He warned Marcus about his insanity and told him it would be best to keep his trap shut. Next thing you know I'm being pulled away from the table leaving a very shocked Marcus behind.

"You're making me very angry sweetheart" Harry warned me. Though he couldn't see my face because I was walking away from him, I rolled my eyes as if he could. I walked into my room not bothering to close the door behind me because I knew Harry would just barge in. After all he was following me. I dropped my purse on my bed and started to remove my jacket when to strong arms yanked into a hard chest causing me to squeal.

"Don't you dare ignore me!" Harry screamed in my face as held me close to him. I brought my hands up to shove him away from me but he didn't move an inch.

"How dare you do that to me Harry? Why did you do that? That was humiliating!" I shouted trying to loosen myself from his grip, He held me tighter not saying a word. His eyes were full of emotion but I couldn't make out 1 besides anger. He didn't say anything.


"I don't want to you seeing him anymore, or anyone else" he was no longer shouting but his voice was harsh and demanding leaving no room for argument. I looked at him in disbelief.

"What? Why, that isn't fair!"

"It's very fair" he said bitterly, finally letting go of me.

"You can't tell me who I can and can not see!" I sassed wrinkling my noes at him.

"Excuse me?" He asked daring me to say it again, I had to admit I was a little afraid to. I took a step away from him before taking in a deep breath.

"You can not tell me who I am to see. I am my own person and you are not the boss of me!" I told him with a light bit of confidence, I had to put my foot down somewhere, correct?

"1st off I'd like to  suggest you watch that smart mouth of yours or I put it into better use" he warned, his time of voice sent chills down my spine and goosebumps to rise on my skin, instantly I felt smaller.

"And 2nd sweetheart I am very much the boss when it comes to you, your living under my roof, what evers under my roof belongs to me which means you are mine" he bit his lip while looking at me in a possessive manner, I stomach flipped when he took a step towards me, where was my confidence when I needed it?

"I was never good at sharing Bella" his tone became even more hushed but harsh as if he was telling me a serect, almost like he was speaking to himself but I was able to hear him to. I continued to step back as he stepped forward, I came to realization that I was cornered due to me feeling the contact of the wall hitting my back but even then Harry continued to step forward. His hands came down on the wall trapping my head, slowly he leaned down so that his height reached mine, our faces being only centimeters apart.

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