Chapter 9

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Bella's POV*

Harry's thumbs tapped on the steering wheel as a hard glare rested on his face, he was angry but I don't even know what made him like this. Like the weirdo I am I sat there staring at him.

"I would like if you would stop starting at me" he snapped causing me to quickly look out the window.

"Sorry" I apologized for my rudeness. In the direction of the hospital we where headed. I had to go there so the doctor can make sure my hand is perfectly fine, I don't remember the last time I wrote or drove. I've been doing all the doctor said like changing the band aid & keeping the cut clean, It should be fine. I picked up my phone from my lap and looked at the time: 16:23. (( 4:23pm for americans)) Before I locked my screen again the date caught my eye "November 25". That means thanksgiving is in 2 days and I completely forgot! I have no one to spend it with anyway, I have no idea where my father is, my mum won't be home till December with my step dad and there's no way I'm spending my thanksgiving with Kevin! I groaned at the thought, I could always spend it with Eve but it would be so awkward! I haven't seen her husband Ethan in a while same with her eldest son William who I call will, I'm basically a stranger to those two. There's a chance I could easily work my way around Ethan but I'm not so sure about William, don't get me wrong we spent every waking hour with each other when We where little, we went to the same schools, we where on the same teams, we where best friends but time got the best of us. I haven't talked to him since I was 16! I guess it's a lonely year for me.

My phone vibrated in my lap breaking me from the mini discussion I was having in my head.

Jake(Ice cream): so your a stranger now? Stood me up last night

Oh geez! I completely forgot to text him. I completely forgot about Saturday and to make it worst I was doing nothing important. He texted me that morning harry showed me the text and I haven't texted him since. I'm horrible! I was about to text back when I decided to just call him, it would sound more...personal if I did. I pressed the contact and held the phone to my ear. The first ring didn't even finish yet and he answered, his voice sounded eager.


"Hey, I'm sorry that I never texted you back but I haven't been ignoring you"

"Oh good, had me worried for a bit" I heard him sigh through the phone. Harry glanced at me before looking back at the road.

"Can I see you now?"

"I'm sorry, I'm on my way to the hospital to get these bandages off"

"Oh ok...." He was disappointed u could hear it in his voice.

"I can make it up to you" I spoke up.

"No, you don't have to-"

"I want to, text me your address and maybe later today I can come over? Only if your ok with-"

"Yes! Yeah I'm fine with with it!" I smiled a bit at the happiness I heard in his voice. I glanced up to see harry driving into the parking lot of the hospital.

"Hey, I got to go, I'll call you later"

"Alright, bye"

"Bye" I hung up the phone. Harry found a parking and slipped out the car with me to his side. We walked to the front desk where this pretty young nurse was working. She looked older then me though, maybe Harry's age. I could tell she was trying to get Harry's attention as he was signing me in. I glanced back to see all the seats taken, just great. The girl glanced at my name then back at me.

"So your the famous Bella Burn" she said.

"Uh famous?" I asked confused, them look on Harry's face says the same.

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