moments 💕

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mochi baby who is he , looking tall and handsome just like my tae tae ......hicup....but why there are two two tae tae there any one plus one offer going here ? buy one tae u will get one tae ...hehehe mochi baby u keep one tae , i will keep one tae , how's my idea ? rocking right " high five "

yes yes yn baby i am also seeing two two tae ,like u said u keep one i will keep one . then we don't need to share him right .....clapping hands like the five yrs old kid got his favourite cotton candy

both the friends decided to spend their night at butterfly bar .

that's how the ended up drinking 20 bottles of soju .and blabbering with each other god knows on what topic . they even ended up arguing on why sky is blue , and why the trees are only green why ocean have salt water and finally why their friend aka kim taehyung is rudest one on the earth .

so ..... on the other hand yoongi being done by this two crazy people one is his bf and another one has became small sis ,yes jimin has introduced both of them when they reached here and had some friendly talk and then finally drinking alcohol yoongi have high tolerance where as yn and jimin were not so good at it

that's how they got drunk and yoongi had enough of both so he decided to call tae and asked him to show up at bar and handle his new gf and he can take care of drunken jimin peacfully

that's how tae showed up infront of them and his gf thought that she is day dreaming about his bf along with baby mochi beside her .

tae : hey ! hyung thanks for calling , i will take care of her and u take care of jimin he is really high don't know how will u handle him .

yg : i will handle him tae u take care of yn we will be leaving now , gn tae

Tae : gn hyung .

yn come on let's go now , it's late u r parents will be worried for u

YN : hey ! man .... who are , why are u coming close to me leave . i have my bf u know and he is really dangerous .. he will kill u if u lay finger on . u got that , leave now , before he come here " tipsy voice "

Tae : i know how u r bf is now come with me , grabbed your hand and moving out to the entrance

YN : " hey u tall man leave me i can walk , i have two legs u know , come here 'guestred to come closer ' i am very strong 💪, u know don't tell anyone it's a secret ok 👌

Tae : ok , i agree u r strong now stop talking and come , " how can she be so cute , adoring her with heart eyes

YN: by the way , why are u looking like mr.rude my bf ......".came close to him with suspicious look " awwwww.... shocked covered her mouth with her hand ...... u ......r taetae .

my taetae .. u came to pic me up " happy puppy "

Tae : yes i came to pic u up my princess , walking to the parking lot .

YN: tae carry me i want piggy bag ' made a grabby hands '

TAE : as u say baby doll , u r wish is my command , hop on me i will take u home

TAE : as u say baby doll , u r wish is my command , hop on me i will take u home

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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